Where Can I Find Scholarly Articles Online Referring to Marijuana?

Question by njnet558: Where can I find scholarly articles online referring to marijuana?
I am writing a research paper and I need to cite my sources. I am having trouble locating studies that have been done to determine that marijuana is in fact not a dangerous drug. Help is appreciated. 10 points to the best answer!

Best answer:

Answer by Nawal M
Well, I feel bad repping this on Yahoo!, but Google Scholar is pretty good in terms of a free, public source: http://scholar.google.com/

What might work best for you though is to check out the resources available at your school’s library. They probably have subscriptions to all sorts of different scholarly journals. I’m sure if you do a search in some of the Biology ones you should be able to find what you need. Don’t hesitate to ask a librarian though. They are college educated in the art of research, and they can really point you in the right direction.

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2 Responses to Where Can I Find Scholarly Articles Online Referring to Marijuana?

  • tournhtid says:

    Simply list all the beneficial uses for mj.

    Compare cigarettes and mj:

    Although both have carcinogenic ingredients mj has tumor inhibiting capabilities so the carcinogens are counter acted. Studies have proved cannabis slows and prevents the growth of cancers. As well as that pot smokers are no more likely to develop cancer then non smokers. This really nixes the idea that weed is the same or worse the cigs.

    Do a search on this:

    How many people does marijuana kill every year?
    you’ll find your answer is zero.

    Cant say the same for cigarettes.

    You will find the more you read that the reason it is called unsafe is because the government says so, not because it is. The facts are all over, just read up on the benefits compare it to alcohol and even compare it to legal pharmies. Dont forget those have bad side effects, and suprise, mj doesn’t share them.

  • Britney J says:

    I’m doing a 20 page independant study about marijuana and how its not that bad. I’m using unbiased sources; and as large a variety as possible. Here are some of my (not referenced totally correctly) references:

    1.Info Facts: Marijuana (2008) National Institute on Drug Abuse

    2.Up in Smoke: Marijuana Toasts Memory (2006) Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience.com

    3.Current and former marijuana use: preliminary findings of a longitudinal study of effects on IQ in young adults (2002) Department of Psychology Journal, Volume 167 page 234a. Peter Fried, Barbara Watkinson, Deborah James, and Robert Gray. Carleton University, Ottawa

    4.Cigarette Smoking and Cancer (2004) National Cancer Institute

    5.Effects of Marijuana on the Body (2008) Wendy Moelker, Web4Health.com

    6.The Health Effects of Marijuana (2009) Medical Review Board, About.com

    7.Marijuana Addiction (2005) Marijuana Addiction Info.com

    8.Marijuana Affects Memory, Attention, Speech, Thinking (2006) Stephan Anitei, Softpieda.com

    9.Marijuana and Teens (2006) University of Michigan Health System

    10.Marijuana Consumption (2007) Mike

    11.Efficiency of Smoking (2004) Cannabis Journal of Therapeutics

    12.Stoner Terminology 101 (2007). Richard Sepulveda, Associated Content

    13.American Medical Association Complete Medical Encyclopaedia (2003). Publisher: Random House References.

    14.Biochemistry (1975). L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman and Co, San Francisco.

    15.Tetrahydrocannabinol (2002). Karl Harrison, 3DChem.com

    16.The Benefits of Marijuana (2006) (an article filled with excerpts from a previous medical study titled: The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological, & Spiritual by Tarter and Chopra in 1976)

    17.Marijuana Part 2: The Health Benefits (2001) (an online article consisting of excerpts from over 20 other experiments of medical institutions)

    18.Using Marijuana as Medicine (2004). Peter Downs, CNN Ontario

    19.Docket No. 86-22, opinion and recommended ruling, findings of fact, conclusions of law, and decisions of administrative law Judge Francis L. Young (1998)

    20.The Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs by Daniel M. Perrine, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry at Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland. Published by the American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 1997

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