What Is the Definition of Substance Abuse Addiction?
Question by jmh854: what is the definition of substance abuse addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Taco
If your substance abuse has a negative impact on your life in any way and you still do it, it’s an addiction.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Substance abuse at school – Reporter Edgar Treiguts tells us about the latest survey on high school drug and alcohol use by students. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel …
8 Responses to What Is the Definition of Substance Abuse Addiction?
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When the body gets physically or emotionally ill when they can no longer get it.
People who use Illegal or legal substances such as drugs,alcohol,and store bought products to feel disoriented or high on a regular basis.
If you can’t stop after one and a thousand seems like too little. No matter how much it is never enough. If it affects your family, job or health. There are great books on the subject. Google info if $ is an subject. You can find help if you need it.
All the best!!!
There is no actual clear cut definition, but the definition of addiction, is when you will go to any means nescessary to have something,and it has a negative impact on your life in any way, whether it is food or drugs. For substance abuse addiction you do not have to use everyday, its more about the way you use the drugs when you do them, if you are the type of person who smokes 1 joint a month, then I would doubt you are a substance abuser, but someone who swallows 30 vicodan every weekend is a substance abuser, as well as the person who goes all weekend snorting coke, they are just the same as the crack head who smokes crack on a daily basis, or the junkie who shoots up every 10 minutes. So substance abuse is a very vast catergory. I am a recovering addict, and I was the type of substance abuser that shot heroine everyday, so I was the classic case. I have been clean for a long time now, and have since went back to school, and im now a drug and alcohol counselor in a rehab facility, so if you are not sure if you, or someone you love is addicted to drugs, you can e mail me and tell me the situation and I can give you a better insight. God luck, and God Bless. It looks like your taking the first step in admitting that you may have a problem.
this remember when i ask my parent about getting a tattoo in my arm and
they said they going rip off my arm
I just started high school and last school year in my middle school a
security guard was arrested for selling drugs so it doesn’t have to be the
students dealing the drugs
I knew students did some drugs, but I wouldn’t have ever imagined that they
were snorting coke in class.
i wonder how did they get the videos with the kid snorting coke