What Is Addiction in Christianity?
Question by §aD sMiLe §iLeNt TeArS™: What is addiction in christianity?
Where does addicition cross into religion? What is the different between the scholar’s definition of addiciton and the bible’s definition of addiction?
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Answer by Luci
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The main addiction that I have observed is the`Feelgood Factor`or spiritual high,you know when the secret reason for going to group praise is really to get high on emotions.
Addiction is a bondage. Drug addiction is addicted to drugs (bondage). Sexual addiction is addicted to sex (bondage).
The bible doesn’t mention addiction. It mentions iniquities. Where a sinful behavior is an addiction.
The iniquities are passed onto the 3rd & 4th generations that hate the LORD God. So if parents had an idol they bowed to(hating the LORD God), if their child rejected God and bowed to the same idol, child would have a stronger addiction to bow to the same idol. Each generation unto the 4th have a stronger addiction with worse side effects. I believe the 4th generation that hated God and inherited the iniquity ends up dieing off.
People have called this iniquity passing to as generational curses. It is directly a conscequence of idolatry (hating God).
We are purposed to have a spiritual connection with God, by choosing Jesus Christ Lord and believing in ones heart the atonement for sins and resurrection. When we reject Gods saving Grace, then there is something else waiting for us to be addicted to. So, if we reject the new wine from heaven (Holy Spirit & gifts of) then there is alcohal addiction waiting. If we reject the God of Peace, and dwell on negativity, then there is the tobacco addiction waiting.
Addiction can be 2 fold. A person spiritually dead can be addicted physically and of the soul. A person reborn of the spirit, can’t abide spiritually in iniquities (make it a comfortable habit). They can have troubles in the flesh or the soul. Though we work our the salvation of our souls. Souls are redeemed by His redeeming blood, but every ones works will be tested & tried. The rewards are works done rooted in faith, hope & love. The perishable works will be fried away.
But one who is born of God is spiritually, physically & of the soul is addicted to God. The old addictions with the bad side affects are overcome.