What Is a Good Way to Relax and Remove Stress?
Question by Lizzy: What is a good way to relax and remove stress?
Between school, family, and other things I am feeling overwhelmed and kind of stressed over everything. What are some good ways to help me relax and feel at ease?
Best answer:
Answer by Jeff S
get a massage, soak in a hot tub
What do you think? Answer below!
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21 Responses to What Is a Good Way to Relax and Remove Stress?
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take a hot bubble bath, turn out all the lights
and light candles around the tub
Pick a single daunting task that you’ve been putting off, get it done, then you’ll feel very deserving of a break and it’ll be easier to lay back and spend some time doing something you enjoy.
Sit on a boat, anchord out from the city. Stay there for hours…
sail in to land.
go to a spa with some friends it’ll be fun for all of you and you’ll get relaxed
Exercise is execllent. Here are some techniques that might help too:
There are three major types of relaxation techniques:
Autogenic training. This technique uses both visual imagery and body awareness to move a person into a deep state of relaxation. The person imagines a peaceful place and then focuses on different physical sensations, moving from the feet to the head. For example, one might focus on warmth and heaviness in the limbs, easy, natural breathing, or a calm heartbeat.
Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves slowly tensing and then releasing each muscle group individually, starting with the muscles in the toes and finishing with those in the head.
Meditation. The two most popular forms of meditation in the U.S. include Transcendental Meditation (students repeat a mantra [a single word or phrase],) and mindfulness meditation (students focus their attention on their moment-by-moment thoughts and sensations).
How do relaxation techniques work?
When we become stressed, our bodies engage in something called the “fight or flight response.” The fight or flight response refers to changes that occur in the body when it prepares to either fight or run. These changes include increased heart rate, blood pressure, and rate of breathing, and a 300 to 400 percent increase in the amount of blood being pumped to the muscles. Over time, these reactions raise cholesterol levels, disturb intestinal activities, and depress the immune system. In general, they leave us feeling “stressed out.”
However, we also possess the opposite of the fight or flight response—the “relaxation response.” This term, first coined in the mid-1970s by a Harvard cardiologist named Herbert Benson, refers to changes that occur in the body when it is in a deep state of relaxation. These changes include decreased blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and rate of breathing, as well as feelings of being calm and in control. Learning the relaxation response helps to counter the ill effects of the fight or flight response and, over time, allow the development of a greater state of alertness. The relaxation response can be developed through a number of techniques, including meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. It is now a recommended treatment for many stress-related disorders.
What are relaxation techniques good for?
Research suggests that meditation can help improve a person’s quality of life and reduce stress hormone levels.
Studies also show that relaxation techniques reduce the perception of pain. One study found that among patients undergoing colorectal surgery, those who listened to guided-imagery tapes before, during, and after the operation had less pain and needed fewer pain medications than those who did not.
Meditation has also been used as part of the treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans and to break substance abuse patterns in drug and alcohol abusers. Relaxation techniques can also enhance coping skills in migraine sufferers and reduce stress as well as improve mood in those with cancer.
In general, studies show that with consistent practice, relaxation techniques can potentially reduce symptoms or improve outcomes in the following conditions:
premenstrual syndrome
irritable bowel syndrome
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
panic disorders
chronic tension headaches
hyperactivity in children, as in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
It is extremely important that usual medical care and advice by followed for these conditions as well. Relaxation techniques are meant to complement usual medical care.
Is there anything I should watch out for?
Relaxation techniques are considered to be very safe. There have been unusual cases where people become more, rather than less, anxious when using the techniques because of a heightened awareness of body sensations. Even more rare are reports of pain, heart palpitations, muscle twitching, and crying spells associated with the use of relaxation techniques. When this happens, it is often related to the process of relaxing and reflecting inward such that emotions become very poignant.
Experts advise people with schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis (thought disorders that distort reality) to avoid relaxation techniques.
Self hypnosis. Massage. Bubble bath and scented candles. Long walk with a girlfriend.
well first u need to take a little time out of your day to do something for u and nobody else.
you should just sit down become comfortable and pretend there’s nothing on your mind. also if you become worried, take 10-15 minutes of worry time and you should feel better!
Turn off the lights, lay flat on the floor with you knees up, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing for 15 mins. It will calm you down and completely relax you.
It will do wonders for a stressful day.
a good rub down ,around your neck mostly,and shoulders
I relax watching a classic drama or romantic movie, eating popcorn and drinking an ice beer.
I try to forget everything that brings me trouble while I see the film.
you should try this.
Everybody in the world has that problem at some point the trick to losing it is have a thing called “me” time where you do something that you want to do by yourself or with others like a hobby that lets you get away from reality and haelp relive stress.I used to skateboard when i had the chance it helped me relax and get away from pressure from school family and friends.Now i sleep after i get home from school i can relax better and get away from stress it helps me.If you have a hobbie it works if not you can try what i try hope this helped
. Speak and honor your truth. One of the biggest problems, especially for women, is knowing when and how to say no. Many women are born with the need to please and deal with societal pressures to be superwoman. We must learn to say no when we mean no and yes when we truly mean yes. Our truth is a gift that we must honor. We all know when we are not honoring our truth because we feel it in our spirit. Live your life so that everything is a reflection of your truth.
2. Stop feeling obligated. So many times we maintain friendships and relationships out of obligation. We feel that we must remain part of a person’s life because of the length of time we have known them or what we have experienced together in the past. However, people change and you must acknowledge when a friendship is no longer beneficial and enriching. You can feel when someone is draining your life and energy. Then you must remove yourself from the equation. You must remember that you are allowing yourself to feel obligated and you are choosing to be obligated. You can also choose whom you give your time and energy too.
3. Use your faith. Understand that you need God and your faith to deal with the issues and problems that will arise in life. Then use your faith to help you endure. Our faith is like the fuel that keeps our spirits working efficiently. So everyday, read a bible verse and an inspirational message to keep your spirit replenished.
4. Get disciplined. We must lead by example. If we truly want to love our lives and keep depression and bad decisions at bay then we must become disciplined in all areas of our life. Discipline will help us have control over our life and our decisions.
5. Make a commitment. In my life I made a commitment to live a life I loved. That commitment requires me to look at life and people differently. In order to love my life, every decision I make, every friendship and relationship I have, and every opportunity I pursue must keep me on the path of loving my life. You must make a commitment to have your life stand and mean something. People should be able to see the God in you and want to know more about your joy and your life.
6. This too shall pass. We must understand that everything in life has a time, a season and a reason. Life itself is a process and people are a part of that process. When you understand life in these simple terms it gives you the ability to deal with life. No matter what you are dealing with in life, from an annoying coworker to a life-changing event, there is a simple truth that will prevail – this too shall pass.
7. No woe-is-me parties and no excuses. As a human being you will have moments in your life when you feel like saying, why me? There are also times when you will sit down with others and talk about the struggles and hardships of life. We must refuse to partake in the misery moments. You must refuse to give that negative energy power. And then you must stop blocking your own blessing and progress. Most likely if you are not receiving what you want out of life it is because you are blocking yourself in some way. The only person that can stop you from living your purpose and doing what God sent you here to do is you. In order to feel fulfilled in life, you must refuse to make excuses in your life and you must be an active participant in your life. You must do everything you can to keep your life progressing in a positive way.
8. Create a life plan. Make sure it has a time line and a deadline. Plan your life. This simple act will help you when obstacles and opportunities present themselves.
9. Take and make time for yourself. We must incorporate time for ourselves into our lives. Many times we become stressed and overworked because we are in a state of constantly giving. As spiritual people it is easy to understand why we want to be so giving. Yet we all must learn how to replenish and how to get restored. There are twenty-four hours provided in a day. Saying that you do not have time for yourself is an excuse. Not making time for yourself is a choice. So you must simply choose differently. Choose to give time to yourself and decide when and how you will take time for yourself.
10. Love your life. In the lowest moment of my life I adopted the slogan, Live a life you love! It was more than an affirmation. It was a goal I wanted to accomplish. I understood that this goal would alter my life, and it has in an amazing way. Once I committed to living a life I loved my decision-making changed. Suddenly I had to question whether I would look back on an opportunity and say I would have, I could have or I should have. I had to examine whether a decision would leave me with feelings of regret or accomplishment. I became more aware of my choices and my friendships.
We are all blessed with the ability to live a life we love. We must remember that it is a commitment that affects every area of our life, every decision that we make, and every person that we allow to be in our life. Everyone and everything in your life should be a reflection of the joy that is in your life.
Now THAT is a good question. First time I’ve read one of those in a while. I started playing guitar. I’m awful, but it gives me something to think about and I can do it the rest of my life.
Here’s some more time based hobbies;
-Get a nice fish tank
-Get some adult coloring books. (seriously, they take like 40 hrs to complete and when your done you frame them.)
-Create a website
-puzzles. When your done use puzzle glue so they never come apart
-learn to sew, make some clothes or quilts
exercise is the best way to combat the physical effects of stress and to help you feel better about yourself and life in general. also i would try picking a time in the day for 10min or 20 min…whatever you have available and find somewhere quiet/comfortable and just lay there with your eyes closed focusing on your breathing. maybe if you have some relaxing music you like play that softly in the background. everyone needs a little time to themselves!
take a rock are a hammer and hit your self really really hard with it you will feel relax i know you will
u can always just go to ur room and listen to calming music and do an activity that u really enjoy. u can also sleep for a few hours, to get some energy.
take a nice long warm bubble bath.
massage, karate, meditation, walk in the mountains, forests, anything pretty much that pleases you and make you forget. FORGET ABOUT THE PROBLEMS. Its pretty much mind/brain thing. Train your mind/body. And do not worrie. You cant help most of the things not related directly to you anyway. Why worrie about them.