What Are the Signs of Drug Abuse in a Teen?

Question by Kelly: What are the signs of drug abuse in a teen?
Does anyone know of a website i can go too?

Best answer:

Answer by Mary O

usually you can tell just look in their eyes and listen to the way they talk , also they get argumentative when using different types of drugs

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Discover the 22 Crucial Signs of Drug Use in People Around Y – Are you seeing signs of drug abuse or alcohol abuse in someone close to you. If you have suspicions but are not quit certain, review my 22 signs and symptoms that someone around you is abs=using drugs or alcohol.


Governor signs anti-prescription drug abuse bill

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

John Keenan, D-Quincy, say they're not expecting big costs, and that the new law will result in long-term savings on courts, jails and drug treatment programs where addicts often end up. In a letter to lawmakers, Patrick said he “strongly” supports the …
Read more on Enterprise News


Fall River's synthetic drug ordinance gets a push as gov. signs anti

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

With Massachusetts becoming the 46th state to ban altered bath salts and synthetic marijuana and city officials seeking to strengthen their hand on the problem through an ordinance proposal, the City Council called a special meeting for Thursday night …
Read more on Fall River Herald News


Junior Seau Autopsy Finds No Brain Damage or Drug Abuse

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

Others thought that perhaps it had something to do with him abusing illegal drugs and/or alcohol. According to a information released on Monday – neither theory is accurate. … Top 5 Most Controversial News Stories Daily. Sign up for the OV Daily …
Read more on Opposing Views


From Twitter:

While there were no signs of drug abuse, Junior Seau ‘s toxicology report showed a drug used to indu #youngsocialites http://t.co/3tXwe4Kj – by Socialites_NYC (Young Socialites Ent)


From Twitter:

While there were no signs of drug abuse, Junior Seau ‘s toxicology report showed a drug used to indu #youngsocialites http://t.co/PNVj2YYm – by YoungSocialite_ (Young Socialites Ent)


From Twitter:

While there were no signs of drug abuse, Junior Seau ‘s toxicology report showed a drug used to indu #youngsocialites http://t.co/Wx4um1ij – by _YoungSocialite (Young Socialites Ent)


15 Responses to What Are the Signs of Drug Abuse in a Teen?

  • martin h says:

    The biggest sign of drug abuse with teens is the same behavior in the parents. If the parents have done it or are doing it, the teen is almost certain to do it.

  • sunflare63 says:

    the signs would be—they cannot motivate themselves or is that the hormone thing.
    Anyway….here is a site…http://www.drugabuse.com

  • Critter Lady says:

    Lethargy (tired all the time, not having any motivation) is probably the NUMBER ONE SIGN.

    Being argumentative, drop in grades at school, and a host of other not so subtle problems seem to develop. The below site might help.

  • look behind you says:

    no but i can tell you from personal experience. i generally spent most of my time away from home, and when i was at home, i avoided my dad. try searching the bedroom. one of my favorite places to hide stuff in was a book that i cut the middle of the pages out of. you have to look EVERYWHERE. you could also do a drug test, but that has a way of causing a lot of mistrust towards you.

  • inuyasha_1969 says:

    red eyes also the behavor his is withdrown, the grads are down. he is all way angery. try teen drugs.com. or drug abuse.com or .org.

  • bj p says:

    I don’t know a site offhand but I’d google “teen drug abuse” in quotations and see what you find.
    If parents don’t exercise any interest in their child’s life, or aren’t around much, it is sometimes a risk for kids to fall into the wrong groups.
    Drug abuse ranges from occasional pot smoking to more serious problems like heroin. If your child is on heroin you’d probably know it. Weight loss, grey skin, possibly lesions, and ‘tracks’ up and down the arms and possible backs of legs or hands and feet. Probably a withdrawn personality, fewer and fewer friends, plummeting grades and lots of money mysteriously missing.

  • KivrinAngel says:

    Any of? those symptoms could also be a sign of mental illness, including depression or anxiety. With such broad symptoms listed, this information could be very dangerous. It could convince someone that their loved one is using drugs and lead to a confrontation that only deepens the actual issue. Instead of recommending an intervention, you should recommend an honest, non-judgmental conversation.

  • chrisn365 says:

    Drug users and dealers belong in prison. Your sick life isn’t? helping anyone

  • zoomskiller says:

    “you wont be aware its happenign to you”
    LMAO? yeah pretty sure you can tell.

  • myndos007 says:

    one of the dumbest? things i have ever seen

  • Numbnutsthesqurl says:

    depressing fuk?

  • greensk8termonke says:

    well looks like ur a dumb? ass

  • popstarfromhel says:

    Holy motherfucking fuck fuck all those symptoms i have xD.
    Well im a junky anyway so i guess that makes sense…
    I’ve? dropped out of school when i was 13 and started smoking weed everyday litterly everyday… later on i started mixxing it with weed and when i was 14 i started with coke mdma xtsy lsd pcp mesculine salviadivinorum psilocybin mushrooms and normal magic mushrooms.

  • CJbass420 says:

    proof weed isnt addictive, i havent had a single one of those? signs to be a drug addict you explained, LEGALIZE THE GANJA MAN!!!

  • passionatereader77 says:

    this? was helpful

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