What Are Some of the Things Companies Are Doing About Employees Suffering From Drug or Alcohol Abuse?

Question by …..: What are some of the things companies are doing about employees suffering from drug or alcohol abuse?
What are some of the things companies are doing about employees suffering from drug or alcohol abuse? What approaches do these companies take and what programs do they offer? Can you recommend a reasonable policy?

Best answer:

Answer by bearr41
My company does random drug screening and terminates anyone with drugs in their system.

What do you think? Answer below!


Sanity in a Culture of Mass Murder

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

Psychiatrist Lynne Fenton of the University of Colorado says her patient, James Holmes, alerted her of his plans before strolling into a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colo., this July and spraying the crowd with bullets. Fenton informed school …
Read more on Truth-Out


Fort Mill memorial 5K, fun run to focus on addiction

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

The Davis family is holding a 5K memory of Joe Davis, who struggled with addiction for more than half his life before he died of an accidental drug overdose on Oct. 4, 2009. Proceeds from the memorial run will go to Keystone Substance Abuse Services.
Read more on The Herald | HeraldOnline.com


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#Treatment Plans For Drug Abuse Recovery #article 110742 CanuckClicks – by Canuckclicks (CanuckClicks)


One Response to What Are Some of the Things Companies Are Doing About Employees Suffering From Drug or Alcohol Abuse?

  • The Jewel says:

    Many companies sponsor treatment programs or counseling and or provide reimbursement if covered in their policy or health plan. The employees may (depending on severity) be required to take leave of absence.

    Companies are not obligated to do this. It may be an optional benefit in the spirit of wellness if the company can afford it. The problem itself can be an issue for immediate dismissal, particularly if the employee is bonded or in security, etc.-conditions of employment vary.

    Becoming substance abuse-free is a choice.

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