Tips on Fighting a Prescription Drug Addiction?
Question by warpedhybrid: Tips on fighting a prescription drug addiction?
I want to help someone get over their addiction to sleeping pills, codeine and valium. They will not seek professional help, advice for how to do this without medical/psycholgical treament?
Best answer:
Answer by zangmo315
you simply can’t make someone get help for this if they don’t think they have a problem, or if they know they have a problem & don’t want help.
you can be supportive, but that’s about it.
until he/she is ready any help (medical, rehab, psych etc) will simply be a waste of time & money.
my husband had a prescription & alcohol problem & it took him a few yrs to be able to admit that it was time to fix it. (he’s now sober 5+ yrs).
good luck
What do you think? Answer below!
The Effects of Prescription Drug Addiction Abuse – Taken from an emotional letter from a daughter to her mother in 2007, this video portrays how her mother’s prescription pill addiction affected their relationship as she became an adult. Through proper treatment and help she can end the abuse and get her life back.
Addicts are not low-lifes
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
For the sake of helping people who need help — both those who have pain and those who have addiction — we need to clarify our language. Under the catch-all term "prescription drug abuse," we're really talking about two things: diversion of drugs …
Read more on Pittsburgh Post Gazette
AP Interview: US drug czar says prescription tracking helps curb abuse, but …
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
ST. LOUIS – While heroin, methamphetamine and even synthetic drugs tend to get much of the attention, the nation's drug czar says prescription drug abuse is far and away the most lethal drug problem in America. Monitoring programs adopted in 49 states …
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune
From Twitter:
GATS Program: Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Australia FOR HELP – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)
From Twitter:
. . . an epidemic in the USA – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )
From Twitter:
. . . an epidemic in the USA – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )
6 Responses to Tips on Fighting a Prescription Drug Addiction?
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Solving an addiction like that without medical or psychological treatment is probably not practical in most cases. The only other thing that might work is an “intervention” where 6-10 friends, relatives, and mate sit down with them and ALL tell the person that they have a problem and need to take some action to solve it.
Otherwise, the only hope is that someday they will admit their problem and take action to fix it on their own. Hopefully, they won’t accidentally or purposely kill themselves before that happens.
If they wont get help/are not open minded enough to try common practice methods that are safe,…you should wash your hands of them-walk away! (let them know you care- of course-but you are not going to watch them self destruct!)
Find meetings of nar-anon or alanon for yourself so you can better understand what is going on & the tough love approach to this problem.
I think your friend need an addiction intervention. An intervention is the action taken by family, friends, employer and/or concerned others to actively assist someone to change unacceptable behavior.
That’s? a great suggestion! I wonder what that would look like.
Interesting theory
If your legally getting? your drugs then there is no reason you cant “be there” and abuse opiates. Problem solved