The Truth About Suicide – Part 1
The Truth about Suicide – Part 1 – This video discusses information collected by the Drug Awareness Warning Network; DAWN. DAWN is part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration with the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States Government. One thing that DAWN keeps track of is emergency room visits and suicides connected to drug and medication use. I think you will find it shocking just how many people attempt or actually successfully complete suicide while taking psychiatric drugs. DAWN even breaks down the number of suicide related to specific categories of medications such as SSRIs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiety medications, stimulants, etc. We normally think that drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor or Wellbutrin as preventing suicide. Is this the case? You can download and look at these reports for yourself at This video was produced by Psychetruth © Copyright 2007 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.
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Drug Abuse Warning Network Warns About Energy D… – by DebsNutrition (Deb McInally, MS, CN)
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Drug Abuse Warning Network Warns About Energy D… – by The420RadioShow (The 420 Radio Show)
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Drug Abuse Warning Network Warns About Energy Drinks – by MedischeWiet (Medical Cannabis )
20 Responses to The Truth About Suicide – Part 1
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tho shalt not kill ,says it? all
But if you think about it who made those high standard for men? It was not women because the standards set for women where not made by women but men. So really it is men who set this high standard along with society that we? all follow that is patriarchy for you. But honestly we should stop focusing on who is more depressed or what not this is not battle of the sexes people are killing themselves and we need to reach out and help them.
The most simple things are the hardest for many. making a couple lefts make a right.
Yes i did say? that all should- However my perception of mentally ill differs from most. people who’re very incoherent and people who’re coherent but chose to be incoherent. they’re people locked up who are coherent but forced to be made useless by being sent away or something because of little crimes,lies, or people who just care too much.I would like world to be bigger so 7.5 billion people wouldn’t mater atall
OMG!! yea i wish there was less people an more nature too but we are in 2012 not 1700s or further back so theres nothing you can do about that!! unfortunately psychology has had a bad rep. but if you think about it so has everything else like science, medication and lots more. an people have every right to take their life but usually that is their last resort. OMG you said you want people with mental problems to be killed off..? dude wtf your very confusing!!
Less people, less land being occupied, let animals have the unoccupied land, bring nature back after humans destroyed it. Mental health problems are seen a bit weird. it is more about functionality. who cares if someone has aspergers. they can still function. i believe that phychology stuff needs to be more vast if they want to label people by such limits. like i said, people should have the right to take their own life or not. I would think it is evil to kill other people not willing? to die.
no lakers? haha but thats still going to be a ton of money and on top of that how would you know which person out of 1out of 4? would have a mental problem so yea?? sorry but it doesnt work that way!! 🙂
No dodgers? well first the ones who’re willing or say they want to die. gather them up somehow in each spot of the country, 1 bullet per head in the desert, feed the bodies to wild animals and? one’s near extinction, or have a town square thing going on and in every mental hospital have an assisted suicide party, even make the drinks toxic. in every jail just lock the facility and stop giving them resources. it may not seem like that much progress, but people do multiply. like in 2025 theories.
oh yea an if our economy is bad how do you think we are going to afford to kill 1 out of 4 people? in this world who has a mental health problem?? thats a lot of money? dont you think. so tell me how would this work?
Hate baseball? lol.. how about them Lakers?
Ok well from what your saying killing people is never the answer most normal people will agree! you want to do what hitler did an look how far he got? yea he killed a lot of jews but he also lost.just cause we have 7.5 billions people doesnt mean we have to kill cause of someones mental state.also a fact.which btw 1 out of? 4 people in the world suffer from mental illness so you want to kill off the world yea thats unrealistic. this are facts look for them yourself! is that enough for you??
Well I guess you still didn’t take what i recommended, using back up ect. I don’t think you’re worth having a conversation with? or atleast on this subject with but i did anyways. How about them Dodgers?
haha well your right im tired of this conversation cause people like you are so lost in bullshit that its not even worth having a conversation.. and everything i have said? i can back up but like a said its not worth talking to people like you. i havent fail anything i havent lost my mind in the crap you are saying. you have failed and i could careless if your 18 like i said before your not going to get to far an i dont need to know you cause the crap your saying says enough for me.
Good to hear you’re tired of this conversion because i am too. you have only said things with no back up behind them. so you have failed this, your kind is accepted more in life. the government like sheep like yourself. You’ve said that i have failed in life, i am only 18 with many options. That is the lowest thing you have said to me yet. You know nothing about me and therefore, you can’t really? be right with yourself saying that.Please reply using material forted with evidence to make this fun
hahaha wow!! just wow!! well buddy you keep thinking like that! an? have fun with it! but ill tell you now your not going to get to far in life but thats ok! cause from what your saying you already failed.
You’re a part of the world’s drama. You think like” lets make a better world for this planet for our children” .I think like lets give this world better children that don’t simply fail” And you sound? like a zionists, you sure must believe what you’re told. first of all hitler killed those who were against him, most of those were jews anyways. Hitler isn’t a bad person, he took out the jews that killed 10 million germans. And if you were in nazi germany, you would be killed if you’re aryan or not
so to fix the worlds problems just wipe out all the mentality ill. an everything will be better wow!! i guess you and Hitler? have somethings in common.. an sorry buddy im not ignorant you are!! but its all ok you keep dreaming cause what you want to happen WONT happen!! natural selection hahaha ok wanna be Hitler!!
Ok, we have 7.5? billion people in this world and the ecomony is really fucked. so many tax parasites that are mentally retarded and/or sick. and so many people in prison and hospitals. why is it good to keep them alive to waist resources? you’re ignorant for accepting that problem in this world. those people are in numbers over a billion. Natural selection buddy.
once again WOW!! you are a great example? of ignorance!!