substance abuse

Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Illinois | Treatment Centers in Illinois


Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Illinois | Treatment Centers in Illinois – Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Illinois focuses on helping addicts get clean through counseling, clean and sober housing…


Cristal Employees at Oregon Ridge Nature Center


Cristal Employees at Oregon Ridge Nature Center


New report details racial gap among US children

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon

Some of South Dakota's Indian reservations are among the poorest nationwide, which contributes to high levels of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse, fetal-alcohol syndrome, teen pregnancy and low graduation rates. Among its recommendations …
Read more on Northwest Cable News


Growing pains

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon

Substance Abuse Treatment New Mexico


substance abuse treatment new mexico – This is the psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery program offered 24/7. It’s resources whether you happen to be the one struggling o…


Drug Addiction..?

Question by aangsumanc: Drug addiction..?
Have anyone here been addicted to drugs like heroine, myth etc..
what affects most out of it..

Best answer:

Answer by Psychedelic Enlightenment III
I stear clear of herion. I have known people who have become hooked on H…it isnt pretty. It controls your life, everything yuo do revolves around it. If you dont get help you will end up in jail, dead, or back in rehab. Recovering adddicts cant even have one beer. It is like a snownball one beer leads to two..then on and on til your back to H. I have seen it

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse?

Question by prncessang228: signs of prescription drug abuse?
I have a 7 year old daughter that I was sharing joint custody of with my ex-husband up until 12-3
of this year.

on that date, my daughter came home stating her father had physically hit her on the back of the head (where she had 3 staples in to close up a cut she received after being pushed by a cousin at her uncle’s house on her dad’s side of the family) b/c he got angry at her for not sticking with a lie he had made up about her being sick so that I would come pick her up from his house instead of him having to take her to school. I currently have temporary full custody of my daughter due to an order of protection being passed. I also called CPS and filed a report.

What Is the Definition of Substance Abuse Addiction?

Question by jmh854: what is the definition of substance abuse addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Taco
If your substance abuse has a negative impact on your life in any way and you still do it, it’s an addiction.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Substance abuse at school – Reporter Edgar Treiguts tells us about the latest survey on high school drug and alcohol use by students. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel …