Alcohol Treatment | Wadsworth Rehab Helpline
Alcohol Treatment | Wadsworth Rehab Helpline – Substance abuse isn’t just a serious problem in Wadsworth, OH. Thousands of people throughout Ohio suffer from a drug or alcohol addiction on a daily basis. …
I’m Looking for a Halfway House in Chicago,Il Located on North Division Street?
Question by jamhalb: I’m looking for a halfway house in chicago,il located on north division street?
Best answer:
Answer by BIG MIKE
it was not easy but i think that i may have found something.
it is a site that give ALL the info. that you need re your request.
i copied some stuff from the site however don’t bother to read it. the site has linke to EVERY HALF WAY HOUSE AT THE ADDRESS REQUESTED GO THERE NOW OK.?
CHOICEpromoFilmEng.avi – This shor film is about CHOICE – Substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS and Crime Prevention Program for Adolescens. Currenly the Program is conducted at secondary school…
Career in Substance Abuse?
Question by dude: career in substance abuse?
I am thinking about taking some college classes and becoming a substance abuse counselor. How Long does school take and is the job outlook good? I am looking for feedback from people who actually work in this field. Whats the job like?
Best answer:
Answer by Ignignokt
You can do some limited substance abuse counseling with only a bachelor’s degree. But it’s usually focused on education and making sure the person sticks with the treatment plan. With a master’s degree, you can do more, and address other issues, and be a part of a treatment team. Getting a doctorate, you can do all the above, plus be the primary counselor/therapist for the individual.
How Does Tolerance Relate to Addiction?
Question by confuszed…: How does tolerance relate to addiction?
Any help will greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This a question I’m puzzled on in my ASD110 Drugs and Behavior An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology class. Please don’t use this as a points reward and just post any thing.
Best answer:
Answer by Douglas
Tolerance is very important, an addict must use it daily. Cannot tell you all about it, it would take too long.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Question by Brian: Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Hello All,
I am finally done flushing my life down the toilet and need some help. Does anybody know of a Rehab Center in Southern California that provides services free of charge. I have previously attended the Salvation Army and was hoping to find some alternatives.
Best answer:
Answer by DeAnne
I don’t know of any free ones, but you could contact United Way; they know all resources.
The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.