substance abuse

Is There a Free Sight Offering Treatment From Narcotic Pill Dependency?

Question by oweiss1932: Is there a free sight offering treatment from narcotic pill dependency?

Best answer:

Answer by •••Mott•••
There are many sites. From experience, the better method is perhaps a detox at first. Once the substance is removed from the body, the physical/chemical dependency is put into remission. Then, the hard part comes; the psychological dependency. The best way, i believe is to interact or at least listen to others that are overcoming the addiction/dependency. There are many NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings, everywhere, or at least within a few miles of where you or the “pill head” is located.

Substance Abuse Counselors only…Help With Treatment Plan Assignment.?

Question by ebizartistry: Substance Abuse Counselors only…Help with treatment plan assignment.?
Below is a fictional character in for treatment. I am to compare my treatment plan with those of other substance abuse counselors. Please provide a general treatment plan that you would develop based on the below information.

What Are the Best Top 10 Drug Rehab Centers in the Wold?

Question by Yqp: what are the best top 10 drug rehab centers in the wold?
i am looking for a drug rehab center to check my brother into. it doesnt matter which country or city, i will fly him there. there is no good rehab centers in my country. i have searched online and most of the top ten rehab centers are celebrity centers or very very expensive with luxury treatment(example, top chefs, huge luxury rooms, etc). i am looking for the best treatment with fair price for in house treatment.
i am looking to treat smoking weed and hashish with a history of using cocaine(he over dosed in 2010 and almost died, so he only smokes now)

Kansas Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Kansas Substance Abuse Treatment


Kansas Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Kansas Substance Abuse Treatment – Kansas Drug Rehab Detox | 877-677-4695 | Kansas Substance Abuse Treatment Alcohol detoxification Alcohol Rehab Alcoho…


Can You Voluntarily Take a Drug Test in Washington State?

Question by sweetsobersacrifice: Can you voluntarily take a drug test in Washington state?
My boyfriend has a history of drug addiction and though he says he’s quit I think he’s still using. I want to know if it’s possible to volunteer to take some sort of drug test, or if it has to be court-ordered or something. Thanks in advance for answers

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah M
You can buy drug screening kits at Walgreens

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Find a Louisville Drug Crimes Lawyer Kentucky Criminal Attorney on Legal Bistro


Find a Louisville Drug Crimes Lawyer Kentucky Criminal Attorney on Legal Bistro – Drug Crimes Lawyer Louisville Kentucky. Do you want to find a Drug Crimes lawyer in Louisville Kentucky and don’t know where to turn? Does the thought of a “…


Can Connecticut guards slow down Kentucky's Aaron and Andrew Harrison?

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

ARLINGTON — Kentucky guards Aaron and Andrew Harrison helped UK take care of the basketball in Saturday's win over Wisconsin — one reason UK was in position for Aaron Harrison to hit another game-winning shot to put the Cats into Monday night's …
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