College to Treatment Center?
Question by jbloverrrr94: college to treatment center?
okay so im in a program at community college that is very difficult and hard to get into, and you have to follow a specific curriculum, and they only offer the course once a school year, so basically if i left to go get help i would be kicked out.
now my mom told me if i wasnt going to college i wouldnt be able to be on their insurance because of the rules of the insurance.
now if i left to go to a rehab that would mean basically dropping out of school. and if i did that i wouldnt have any money for insurance towards rehab. and rehab is quite expensive.
i feel i really need the help of rehab, but dont want to get put out of school?
Does the Religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …Reject ALL Medical Operations….?
Question by Bilbo Baggins: Does the religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …reject ALL Medical operations….?
Scientology …….and……(Christian Scientists)
……Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature.Its method of spiritual rehabilitation ( Prayer..they call it auditing )….in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects.
Christian Scientists believe God is not distant and unknowable, but that He/She is Father-Mother, all-embracing and always present, and that every individual is made in God’s spiritual image, loved by God and cared for by Him. Prayer that brings this understanding into focus for an individual
Addiction Treatment Programs | Alcoholism Rehab Centers
Addiction Treatment Programs | Alcoholism Rehab Centers – Addiction Treatment Programs prescription drugs dependency is treated at Rehab Tulsa’s residential facility in Tulsa, OK using counseli…
Drug program adopts new brand, logo
Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs
For 33 years, Palmer Drug Abuse Treatment San Antonio (PDAP) has helped teens, young adults and their families overcome the effects of mind-changing chemicals with itssuccessful, no-charge recovery program for more than 2,000 individuals annually.
Read more on San Antonio Express
OUR OPINION: Murray explores a better drug treatment system
World Drug Addiction Statistics?
Question by Max: World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being born here makes us more prone to drug addiction. Very interesting..
Best answer:
Answer by dcokefiend
I don’t think we are more prone, we just have a lot more access. People can abuse prescription drugs quite easily by going to different MD’s. Then they get hooked and will buy off the street if they can’t get a prescription. Just like we have more shootings than most places, the guns are easily had.
Delaware County Message for Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs
Delaware County Message for Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs – Now is the time for residents to take stock of their medicine cabinet to prevent the misuse or theft of prescription drugs and to properly dispose of unused …
More US states could follow Colorado lead on marijuana
Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware
Taking another tack, campaigners are looking to state legislatures in Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont to adopt laws allowing the retail sale of weed. "Support for ending marijuana prohibition is at an all-time high …
Read more on GlobalPost
What Is the Risk of Addiction for Prescription Pills When Taken Properly?
Question by xxheavymetal: What is the risk of addiction for prescription pills when taken properly?
i need this info for a paper i’m writing. i’m only wondering about the risk of addiction/dependence of prescription drugs (opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc.) when used as prescribed by a doctor. when i googled it, everything i got dealt with prescription drug ABUSE, which is NOT what i’m looking for.
also, if you could, i’d appreciate it if you’d cite the source you got it from, otherwise i can’t use it in my paper. thank you!!
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