Prescription Drugs

What Is Drug Rehab…..?

Question by : What is drug rehab…..?

Best answer:

Answer by patricia
It’s a place where people go who have a dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol,prescription drugs,and street drugs such as cocaine,heroin,amphetamines,to get clean or break their dependency on these drugs
Hope this helped!

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Take the First Step Towards Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab Today!


Take the first step towards Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab Today! – Follow our link to learn more. As Featured in People Magazine and on MTV’s “Gone To Far,” Journey Recovery Centers can …


'Poison on the street'

Filed under: drug treatment centers in baltimore

Kirk, on a campaign to expand Medicaid in Virginia, said accepting the $ 300 million from the federal government to extend health care would free up money in the state general fund to provide more resources for mental health and addiction treatment. "We …
Read more on The Daily Progress

Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs

Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.
What can we do to educate people that you cant drug yourself into health or happiness.
Heath Ledger is dead, and now they are question Mary Kate about where he got the drugs from. Should she be in prison.

Best answer:

Answer by “Big Guns Upstairs”
Goes to show that humans still find a way to kill themselves, no matter what you make illegal.

Whats a Good Rehab Center in Texas or Near Albuquerque, New Mexico?

Question by johnsonbeth77: Whats a good rehab center in texas or near albuquerque, new mexico?

Best answer:

Answer by Nurse Zanne
Albuquerque Rehabilitation Center
Call this toll free number, this center deals with alcohol and drug addiction.
The first step is to ask for help, your taking that first step. Good for you

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Rehab Centers Houston Texas |Inpatient Drug Rehab | Drug Rehab Centers Houston Texas – Drug Rehab Centers Houston Texas has alcohol, drug, and prescription drugs rehab facilities in Houston, along with detox, couns…

Prescription Drugs & Ohio Safety Congress


Prescription Drugs & Ohio Safety Congress – Working Partners’ Dee and Karen prepare for their Safety Congress presentation on Prescription Drugs in the Workplace. Find out what they will be talking about.


What Does Drug Cross- Dependence Mean?

Question by sarah: what does drug cross- dependence mean?

Best answer:

Answer by Mathieu
It depends- there are several possible definitions:

1) Cross-dependence (also known as cross-addiction) means that a person is “addicted to everything.” Sometimes in an AA or NA meeting, for example, a person will say “I am (name) and I’m cross-addicted.”

2) Cross-dependency is also a theory in addictionology (not the same as addiction psychiatry or psychology) that a person who addicted to one drug (alcohol for example) can become addicted to any drug if they use it. Another view some take is that (to continue with the example) an alcoholic will not necessarily become addicted to amphetamine but by using another drug of abuse it will eventually lead the person back to their primary addiction, alcohol in this case.