Prescription Drugs

MATFORCE PSA: Dr. Cattolico Discusses Simple Ways to Help Reduce Prescription Drug Abuse


MATFORCE PSA: Dr. Cattolico discusses simple ways to help reduce prescription drug abuse – MATFORCE PSA: Dr. Cattolico discusses simple ways to help reduce prescription drug abuse.


New Treatments Target Prescription Addiction at Alcohol Treatment Elizabeth

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

New programs offered at Alcohol Treatment Elizabeth focus on preparing people suffering from addiction to prescription medications. … The new treatment programs at Alcohol Treatment Elizabeth can help addicts learn to lead their lives in a sober way.
Read more on PR Web (press release)


How Can I Get a Juvenile Conviction Expunged??

Question by imacorndog4life: How can I get a juvenile conviction expunged??
I live in the state of ohio. I had an underage drinking conviction in july 2001 and then was convicted of drug abuse and poss. of drug paraphanialia in april 2002. I am now 22 years old. Hoe do I go about trying to get these expunged from my record?

Best answer:

Answer by Matt G
talk to a lawyer or wait 10 years

Add your own answer in the comments!


Man asks for leniency in theft case

Filed under: Ohio Drug Abuse

When Did Smoking Start in Europe?

Question by rybka: When did smoking start in Europe?

Best answer:

Answer by brandon p
When the cigarette came out

late 1400s

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


No formal discussions on random drug testing at Lakeview

Filed under: Columbus Drug Addiction Help

Lakeview, Runge said, does have strong parental involvement and also a hands-on staff that could help prevent drug use among students. Freeman said a drug testing policy will probably be discussed by the board of education at some point, but he doesn't …
Read more on Columbus Telegram

Faces of Prescription Drug Abuse: Michael Donta


Faces of Prescription Drug Abuse: Michael Donta – Ashland, Ky. father Mike Donta talks about his son Michael’s struggle with prescription drug abuse.


Task force tackling issue of prescription drug abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

With the help of a grant, a commitment to attract community support and research of intervention programs, the Morgan County Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force is moving ahead. After a program at Mooresville High School on the easy availability of …
Read more on Reporter-Times


Prescription Painkillers Cause More Deaths than Crack: Global Study

Drug Treatment Centers Chicago | Drug Abuse Treatment Centers | Drug Treatment Centers Chicago


Drug Treatment Centers Chicago | Drug Abuse Treatment Centers | Drug Treatment Centers Chicago – Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs abuse is treated at Drug Treatment Centers Chicago’s residential facility in Chica…


Students abuse 'smart drugs' used to treat hyperactivity to fight fatigue

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Students are abusing 'smart drugs' typically used to treat hyperactivity disorders to help them concentrate and fight fatigue. Prescriptions for methylphenidate drugs, including Ritalin, have been steadily increasing, according to the Care Quality …
Read more on Daily Mail

Children of Drug, Alcohol Addicts Organize to Help One Another


Children of drug, alcohol addicts organize to help one another – The group Kids of Parents in Recovery, or KOPIR, was formed by youth for youth to help each other deal with their loved one’s su…


New California Prison Plan Would Reform, Not Expand, State's Overcrowded

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Top California lawmaker Darrell Steinberg (D) on Wednesday unveiled a plan to reduce the state's prison population by thousands of inmates over the next three years, a move that is likely to pit the Senate leader against Gov. Jerry Brown in a public …
Read more on Huffington Post