Mcat Drug………….?
Question by suckmebeautiful657: Mcat drug………….?
when was Mcats major appearence, major popularity, maybe a certain date period would be useful 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by geriann81
do you mean Methcathinone?
Methcathinone was first synthesized in 1928.
It was used in the Soviet Union during the 1930s and 1940s as an anti-depressant.
Methcathinone was patented in the USA in 1957 as a possible alternative to methamphetamine…aka ‘meth’.
After completing animal research the company dropped te development of methcathinone because of its high potential for addiction and severe side effects.
Drug Rehab Centers in Utah | Call 800-303-2938 for Details
Drug Rehab Centers in Utah | Call 800-839-1682 For Details – Drug Rehab Centers in Utah – Call 800-839-1682 For Details What Drug Rehab Centers do you need? Ask our medical specialists and know why we are known to be t…
Parents of kids who overdosed share words of hope
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Nevertheless, many of them are telling their stories in hopes of helping other Utah families realize they are not alone. “There is no shame here,” … of Odyssey House of Utah. She said heroin is often the next step from prescription drug abuse or …
Drug Addiction : How to Deal With the Mood Swings of an Addiction
Drug Addiction : How to Deal with the Mood Swings of an Addiction – When dealing with the mood swings of an addiction, the first step is to recognize that the mood swings will occur in many settings, not just drug addiction. …
Task force to combat Saline's heroin problem to hold first meeting Monday
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… in the county attributable to heroin users looking to support a habit. Saline police Chief Larry Hrinik said the city hasn't seen too much of the theft that's usually associated with heroin, but police are getting more and more used to dealing with …
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Pope to Recovering Drug Addicts: The Church Is With You, but You Need the Will to Stand Up
Pope to recovering drug addicts: The Church is with you, but you need the will to stand up – A few hours after celebrating his first World Youth Day Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Aprecida, the Pope visited a hospital tha…
Nelson drug rehab lifeline hopes to end stigma
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A REHABILITATION group for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts is set to launch in a Nelson church. Some services managed by … When they get home in the evening, sometimes people struggle, but this can help. “People talk a lot more chopping an …
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How Would You Handle a Prescription Drug Addict?
Question by Lily: How would you handle a prescription drug addict?
I am currently going through a tough situation, and would appreciate any support or kind words.
My Grandfather passed away last week. He served as my Father my entire life, and was a great man. He was always smiling, and I never saw him mad. I have been dealing with the grief from that situation, along with my Mom.
Bipolar and Medicinal Marijuana in Michigan?
Question by GenocidePhenomenon: Bipolar and medicinal marijuana in michigan?
If i have bipolar disorder, can i get a medicinal marijuana license for it in Michigan?
Best answer:
Answer by buddhaorchid
Currently, no. To get a medical marijuana license in Michigan, you have to be diagnosed with a physical medical problem, typically cancer, crohn’s, chronic pain, MS, glaucoma, possibly muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, or something of that nature. Mental problems are not considered to be treatable by marijuana. When you have such mental issues, it is thought that you are more susceptible to drug addiction and abuse.