Random Drug Screening Montgomery Pa?
Question by Frank H: Random drug screening montgomery pa?
Last tuesday I plead guilty to a dui for cocaine in montgomery county. The incident took place last october. I attended an in patient rehab and havent done cocaine since. However, I have smoked marijuana. Thursday I received a letter from Montgomery County Adult Probation to inform me of a “change in judicial policy” and that the board of judges has directed the department to randomly drug test individuals currently on probation. I received a card with a number to call with a number to refer to. My number was instructed to report to the Montgomery County Adult Probation Center to submit a urine test. I do not live in Montgomery County and was told by the Public Defenders Office and The Probation clerk that I would not have to travel there for drug tests or meeting with a probation officer. What I would like to know is if this is common, was I given the legal amount of time required to take a drug test, will this violation require me to go to jail?
Prescription Drug Addiction?
Question by Joe: Prescription Drug Addiction?
I think that I might have a prescription drug addiction. Please Help!!!
Best answer:
Answer by busylady0615
well, it depends on what it is. if it is a painkiller (probably, those are the most addictive) then you should go to your dr. let them know and they can help you safely stop taking the drug without severe withdrawl syptoms. also, they can make sure you never get it or it’s relatives again to renew your problem.
i know it seems scary to never have it again, but if you really want help then do it!
Drug Rehab Chicago | Substance Abuse Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Chicago
Drug Rehab Chicago | Substance Abuse Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Chicago – http://rehabcenterchicago.net Alcohol, drug, and prescription drug dependency rehab at Drug Rehab Chicago’s, a residential center in Chicago, IL, with detox …
Prescription Drugs & Ohio Safety Congress
Prescription Drugs & Ohio Safety Congress – Working Partners’ Dee and Karen prepare for their Safety Congress presentation on Prescription Drugs in the Workplace. Find out what they will be talking about.
Answers for Addiction 1 : Christian Addiction Cure
Answers for Addiction 1 : Christian Addiction Cure – http://hisspaceonline.org : Holistic Drug Rehab : Do You Know The Secret to Overcoming Any Addiction? Find Out. Find Prescription Drug Addiction Help Hotline…
What Does Drug Cross- Dependence Mean?
Question by sarah: what does drug cross- dependence mean?
Best answer:
Answer by Mathieu
It depends- there are several possible definitions:
1) Cross-dependence (also known as cross-addiction) means that a person is “addicted to everything.” Sometimes in an AA or NA meeting, for example, a person will say “I am (name) and I’m cross-addicted.”
2) Cross-dependency is also a theory in addictionology (not the same as addiction psychiatry or psychology) that a person who addicted to one drug (alcohol for example) can become addicted to any drug if they use it. Another view some take is that (to continue with the example) an alcoholic will not necessarily become addicted to amphetamine but by using another drug of abuse it will eventually lead the person back to their primary addiction, alcohol in this case.