opiate addiction

Dr. David Sack Explains Promises’ Philosophy on Use of Suboxone in Addiction Treatment


Dr. David Sack Explains Promises’ Philosophy on Use of Suboxone in Addiction Treatment – Suboxone is a replacement drug used to mitigate the effects of withdrawal from opiate drugs.


Cops charge 6 people in raid after probe of Suboxone sale

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Suboxone is used to treat opiate addiction but can also be abused; the film is taken by placing it under the tongue. During the investigation, three other adults and two juveniles who weren't the targets in the operation were arrested, accused of …
Read more on Times Herald-Record

Update – 4 Help Coming Off Opiates, Suboxone, Oxycontin, Percocet


Update – 4 Help coming off opiates, suboxone, oxycontin, percocet


Police: NA woman faked purse snatching for pills

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Her lawyer, Sandra Ferreira of Attleboro, said during a bail hearing that her client has struggled with drug addiction and admitted to a “lapse in judgment.” Police say she reported that her … She was prescribed the suboxone, a drug used to treat …
Read more on Attleboro Sun Chronicle


Suffolk woman sentenced in toddler's death

What Is the Difference Between a Therapist and a Counselor?

Question by shuttttup: What is the difference between a therapist and a counselor?
I asked this once before but I didnt word it correctly. Which one would be better to deal with alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anger issues, cutting and suicidal thoughts. Not saying any of this is about me.

Best answer:

Naltrexone Alcohol Drug Rehab Assisted Recovery Midwest


Help for Gambling Addiction – Calvary Center


Help for Gambling Addiction – Calvary Center – Tips from the Calvary Center: Affordable, faith-based Residential Treatment For Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling


Gov. Tomblin Takes Oath of Office

Filed under: addiction help center

"West Virginia is right in the center of it all," Tomblin said. Tomblin focused on education — innovative 21st century teaching, while also fixing the growing problem of drug abuse. "We're putting millions of dollars into programs to help those stuck …
Read more on WSAZ-TV


Locals March for Law Devised to Curb Overdoses

How to Deal With Opiate Addiction?

Question by greg h: How to deal with opiate addiction?
i need to find a doctor to prescribe me Buprenorphin, or I know I will continue to IV opiates. I don’t know how to initiate this process without looking like a drug seeker.

Best answer:

Answer by gottaliveyourlife
You’re question talks about an addiction but you don’t want to seem to be a “drug seeker.” Talk to your doctor or someone you will trust and listen to if they tell you to seek help.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!