opiate addiction

Argument – East Main Street Camera Program – Columbus, Ohio


Argument – East Main Street Camera Program – Columbus, Ohio – This video contains clips of individuals potentially engaging in discouraged activities along East Main Street on Columbus, Ohio’s Near East Side. Video was …


Mariners minor leaguer suspended for 50 games

Filed under: Drug Abuse Columbus

NEW YORK — Seattle Mariners pitcher Forrest Snow has been suspended for 50 games following a second positive test for a drug of abuse under baseball's minor league program. The 24-year-old right-hander's suspension was announced Tuesday and will …
Read more on Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

What Do You Think Is a Good Headline and Subheading for a Newspaper Article About Drugs?

Question by meggamjfan: What do you think is a good Headline and subheading for a newspaper article about drugs?
I have to write a newspaper article about drugs (use, abuse, types, effects, etc.). I need a Headline and subheading.

So far, I thought of using “Mind over Marijuana”…but i still need a subheading.

Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by COBALT22
how bout , errrrrr damn sorry i’m so high i forgot what i was gonna write

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



American Addiction Centers – Stories of Hope

Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB


Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – Overcoming drug addiction and co-occurring disorders can seem like an unobtainable dream, and most people feel burdened and doomed. However, there is help fo…


Employee accused of dipping into till at local liquor store

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

… out of the vehicle, according to the police report. He was placed on probation until Sept. 3, 2015 in that case. His license was also suspended for two years, and he was ordered to submit to drug screenings and enroll in substance abuse treatment …
Read more on The Recorder

Medical-Addiction Question?

Question by Brett H: Medical-addiction Question?
Hey, I’m 26 and have been reliant upon opiates since I was 18. Finally, at 23 and after months of fatigue/sickness, countless attempts at anti-depressants, treatment centers, counseling, and psychiatrists, I began methadone at the Southern Indiana Treatment Center. At first I felt much better, but rather than decrease the dose my levels were increased to “find me a stable dose where I feel semi-normal.”. Needless to say I am now on 110 mg of methadone once daily. I still feel crappy half the time and have started realizing that my body, with the way it metabolizes medicine so quickly, may never be OK without it. The peak-and-trough blood serum test suggests my body needs 140. Should I accept the fact that my body will always need opiates? Anyone have any suggestions?

When Did Smoking Start in Europe?

Question by rybka: When did smoking start in Europe?

Best answer:

Answer by brandon p
When the cigarette came out

late 1400s

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


No formal discussions on random drug testing at Lakeview

Filed under: Columbus Drug Addiction Help

Lakeview, Runge said, does have strong parental involvement and also a hands-on staff that could help prevent drug use among students. Freeman said a drug testing policy will probably be discussed by the board of education at some point, but he doesn't …
Read more on Columbus Telegram

What Is the Main Difference Between Suboxone and Methadone?

Question by Elle: What is the main difference between Suboxone and Methadone?
From my research it seems that Suboxone is safer, fits into your life better (no standing in line at 5am) and does not have the severe withdrawals that methadone users experience. I would like some real life answers..it is to get off of the roller coaster of pain pill addiction. How expensive is Suboxone w/o insurance?

Best answer:

Answer by LoneRanger
sub is “easier’ to get, meaning you only need to see a doctor once a month to get it instead of going to a clinic daily.