opiate addiction

Columbus Police Get Help


Columbus Police get help – People had to push a cop out.


Music helps rocker Summer keep drug demons at bay

Filed under: Columbus Drug Addiction Help

"We did a lot of shows together," said Jim Ryser, a Columbus, Ind., native who recorded a self-titled album for major-label Arista Records in 1990. "Just being part of the night … "If you have an addiction, you're not addicted to one drug. You're …
Read more on Seattle Post Intelligencer


Courier Times Community Calendar forJanuary 6

From Methadone to Suboxone Treatment


From Methadone to Suboxone treatment – Dr. Edward Fruitman, M.D. explains how to switch from methadone to suboxone treatment at Trifecta Health Medical Center. Suboxone is a new drug available at …


Hackettstown Police arrest former Hunterdon County fugitive

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Ingersoll, who lived in Calfion at the time, was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance; specifically, Suboxone, a Schedule II prescription drug used to treat opiate addiction, Kearns said. Ingersoll did not possess a valid …
Read more on Warren Reporter

What Would Be a Good Drug Treatment Program for a Teen?

Question by cynthia v: What would be a good drug treatment program for a teen?
I have a daughter who has gotten into bad company, and started using drugs. She ‘fessed up to me last week, saying that she didn’t want to do it anymore. It’s become scary for her. I admire her for coming to me and telling me that she needs help. I want to give her the best I can. What would be a good thing to do?

Best answer:

What Exactly Is Ibogaine, and How Successful Is It for the Treatment of Opiate Addiction?

Question by Connie D: What exactly is Ibogaine, and how successful is it for the treatment of opiate addiction?
I was told of a new medication to help overcome an opiate addiction, unfortunately I haven’t been able to find out much about it. I believe that it is only available at a treatment facility located in New Mexico…so, it really makes me wonder if it’s even a legitimate treatment approved by the FDA. I also wonder if there have been many studies done on it, and what the statistics are concerning its rate of success.

Best answer:

Clinic 5 LLC Columbus | Abuse Treatment in Columbus


Clinic 5 LLC Columbus | Abuse Treatment in Columbus – We can help withdrawal discomfort using medication and teaching you counseling-aided recovery. Opiate addiction recovery is easier with our methods and keepi…


Union: Ohio guards don't decide health treatment

Filed under: Columbus Drug Rehab Centers

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The union representing Ohio prison guards on Wednesday said the two corrections officers who have been placed on leave during investigations into the suicide of Cleveland kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro did nothing wrong and …
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Where in Florida Can I Send My Sister to Get Drug Addiction Rehab?

Question by Netty: Where in Florida can I send my sister to get drug addiction rehab?
My sister who is 45 needs help with alcohol and opiate addiction. Does anyone know a good high-end place that she can get inpatient and/or outpatient care?

Best answer:

Answer by Naguru
De-addiction centers are attached to all Public Health Offices these days.

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Gwyneth Paltrow would forgive cheating

Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida