new york

Drug Addiction Treatment Centers | Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs


Drug Addiction Treatment Centers | Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs – Drug Addiction Treatment Centers concentrates on helping addicts get sober and clean via counseling, sober facilities, and New York …


The Top Areas in Healthcare for Private Equity Investment in 2014

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

For example, 2013 saw two blockbuster multibillion-dollar deals: (i) for-profit Community Health Systems' acquisition of Health Management Associates, Inc. and (ii) for-profit Tenet Healthcare Corp.'s acquisition of Blackstone-financed …. This is a …
Read more on Becker’s Hospital Review


Is a Drug Addiction All Mental??

Question by bksmyth1: Is a drug addiction all mental??
Is a drug addiction all in your head or is it real, because ive done pills and i wasnt addicted, ive done coke and i didnt become addicted and the same thing with cigarettes, i smoked them but i never became addicted.. can someone tell me..

Best answer:

Answer by Blut et Aske
A real drug addiction is mostly/all physical (withdrawals). Anything can be habitual mentally. And yeah, if you don’t get addicted to alcohol you won’t get addicted to most drugs, because alcohol is very addictive to begin with.

Dr. Spencer Reid Drug Addiction


Dr. Spencer Reid Drug Addiction – Hey guys! This is my first ever fan mad video! WOOHOO! Of course, it’s of Criminal Minds’ famous Dr. Spencer Reid and his battle against his drug addiction! …


Iran not doing enough to address drug addiction

Filed under: drug addiction

Drug addiction is widespread across Iran. It plagues populations of all ages, from drivers to bazaar vendors to government employees and even college students. Various government policies have been tried to address the matter but so far have failed to …
Read more on Al-Monitor

Principles of Addiction Medicine — Clarity Way Rehab


Principles of Addiction Medicine — Clarity Way Rehab – When it comes to addiction medicine, it is imperative that your advice come from a Board Certified Addiction Medicine Physician to ensure safe and effective …


Is US Military Spinning Out of Control?

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Under the where-there's-smoke-there-might-be-fire principle, however, it is appropriate to ask whether there may be some overall reasons, applicable to this national military at this time in the nation's history, for a surge in bad behavior. The U.S …
Read more on Consortium News

Can My Friend Get His Record Expunged?

Question by : Can my friend get his record expunged?
I feel bad for my friend. He’s been trying so hard but he can’t land a decent job because of his criminal record. I want to help him, but I can’t really think of any way other than helping him to get his record expunged. Only I don’t know much about the law, so I’m not sure if it’s even possible. I don’t want to bring it up unless I know for sure he could get it expunged. He did time for a felony when he was 17. He had an arrest before that, there was jail time but no conviction (like he didn’t get sentenced to prison time) because he was under suspicion of committing another violent felony. That was when he was 14. So he has an arrest from when he was 14 and a conviction from when he was 17, that he was tried as an adult for. We’re in New York State if that matters (he was also arrested + sentenced in NY). So do you think it’s possible for him to get his record expunged? If not, how else can I help him?

Does the Religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …Reject ALL Medical Operations….?

Question by Bilbo Baggins: Does the religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …reject ALL Medical operations….?

Scientology …….and……(Christian Scientists)

……Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature.Its method of spiritual rehabilitation ( Prayer..they call it auditing )….in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects.

Christian Scientists believe God is not distant and unknowable, but that He/She is Father-Mother, all-embracing and always present, and that every individual is made in God’s spiritual image, loved by God and cared for by Him. Prayer that brings this understanding into focus for an individual