Genesis of Drug Addiction?
Question by Sagar Jaishi: genesis of drug addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Valeria
Here are some of the causes of drug addiction:
Aside from the inherited factors, some people have a personality that is more likely to become drug dependent.
– People are curious, so that alone can lead a person to try a drug. We experiment and see what happens. – We are looking to relax and have pleasure.
– We all want to feel good, and we’re by nature impatient. Drugs give us an instant gratification that other things do not, so for that moment or hour of for whatever time-frame, we feel good. – We want what we want.
Christians With Drug Past?
Question by BrennaBoo: Christians with drug past?
I’m 15, and I’m a Christian. I’m also known as one of the biggest screw ups and druggies in my school, in my town. And trust me, I live in a big city. 4 different high schools. Everyone thinks that. half of the people I’m around don’t even know that I’m Christian or have a belief at all. I recently accidentally overdosed, I was just trying to get high, and not being proud of it, I’m glad it happened because if it didn’t I would’ve never been admitted into a treatment center. I don’t have the right motivation to stop partying or smoking or anything else I do, trust me it’d be a long list. I like the feelings that it gives me too much. But I also don’t want to do any of it. The power of liking it too much to quit is over ruling ther power I have to stop. In other words, I think I’m letting satan rule over me more than God. I need advice from Christians/restored christians that have a past with it or are still struggling with it. I don’t care if you’re 17 or 50. If you understand my position, please help.
I’m Doing a Paper on High School Dropouts and I Need an Articles on Why Do Students Drop Out??
Question by Cierra T: I’m doing a paper on high school dropouts and i need an articles on why do students drop out??
i wanna know why is that high school students drop out
Best answer:
Answer by C
– Pregnant
– Too much responsibility
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Father arrested for biting step-child in Williamson, WV
Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware
A man is in jail for biting his step-child several times in Williamson, WV, in Mingo County. According to a news release issued by the West Virginia State Police, Bobby Lee Thomas, 20, of Gilbert, WV, was arrested for child abuse. The news release says …
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Substance Abuse Treatment Winston Salem Nc
substance abuse treatment winston salem nc – This is a psycho-educational addiction and mental wellness recovery program readily available 24/7. It offers resources whether or not you are the one strugg…
Despite files, questions remain about Conn. school shooter
Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc
In the same episode, Dora sends "Swiper the Raccoon" into a day care center to distract the children, then enters and says, "Let's hurt children." … After prescribing Lanza a "small dose" of the drug, the nurse said, she received a call from Nancy …
THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF DRUG USE AND ABUSE – A program created for the parents of high school age kids to teach and empower them. We show the parents what the drugs and paraphernalia look like and what …
Editorial: New York right to try medical marijuana
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
But to get research-grade marijuana grown by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the state needs approvals from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National Institutes of Health. That's quite …
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What Is the Most Intoxicating Thing You Can Do to Your Body?
Question by italianovenizio1392: What is the most intoxicating thing you can do to your body?
Think about all the things you see on Health and News channels all the talk about smoking, drinking, drug abuse. Do you really know what the MOST intoxicating thing you could do to your body? We do it everyday unknowingly and care-free but it injures our bodies! Serious answers only!
Best answer:
Answer by przhm247
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The Local Agenda: Gainesville updates drug–free policy
Filed under: free drug abuse help