drug treatment

Midwest Institute for Addiction St. Louis, MO


Midwest Institute for Addiction St. Louis, MO – Drug addiction treatment, what is it?


The traditional Chinese medical compound Rocaglamide protects nonmalignant

Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo

We show that Roc-A significantly reduces apoptotic cell death induced by DNA-damaging anticancer drugs in primary human and murine cells. … Especially, the toxicity to the hematopoietic system is the main challenge in anticancer treatment, as a …
Read more on Nature.com


Editorial roundup

Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo

Christians With Drug Past?

Question by BrennaBoo: Christians with drug past?
I’m 15, and I’m a Christian. I’m also known as one of the biggest screw ups and druggies in my school, in my town. And trust me, I live in a big city. 4 different high schools. Everyone thinks that. half of the people I’m around don’t even know that I’m Christian or have a belief at all. I recently accidentally overdosed, I was just trying to get high, and not being proud of it, I’m glad it happened because if it didn’t I would’ve never been admitted into a treatment center. I don’t have the right motivation to stop partying or smoking or anything else I do, trust me it’d be a long list. I like the feelings that it gives me too much. But I also don’t want to do any of it. The power of liking it too much to quit is over ruling ther power I have to stop. In other words, I think I’m letting satan rule over me more than God. I need advice from Christians/restored christians that have a past with it or are still struggling with it. I don’t care if you’re 17 or 50. If you understand my position, please help.

Christian Addiction Treatment – Christian Rehabilitation Program


Christian Addiction Treatment – Christian Rehabilitation Program – http://christianaddictionnetwork.com – At Christian Addiction Network, we believe in guiding individuals who need our help instead of judging them for their …


Medical marijuana patient can get custody of daughter

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

Family courts operate under the standard of “the best interest of the child,” which state welfare workers and Jolicoeur all said they were using when ordering Fisher to a drug treatment program. Treuthart said courts may need to take a different look …
Read more on The Spokesman Review

AMA Discharge Prevention in Drug Treatment


AMA Discharge Prevention in Drug Treatment – New Roads Treatment Centers is a drug treatment program in Utah that focuses on a dual diagnosis approach to helping drug addicts recover from their problems…


Christie to call for bipartisan cooperation in inaugural address

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

"We have to be willing to reach out to others who look or speak differently than us; we have to be willing to personally reach out a helping hand to a neighbor suffering from drug addiction, depression or the dignity stripping loss of a job." The …
Read more on PBS NewsHour

Willard and the Bird


Willard and the Bird – a mouse and a bird stop-motion style.


Calvert's 2013 Quotes of the Year: In their own words

Filed under: willard drug treatment center

Calvert County Planning Commissioner Malcolm Funn commends staff on the St. Leonard Town Center Master Plan, which the commission then approved and sent to the county commissioners for final approval, after five years and numerous meetings debating the …
Read more on So Md News


Convicted burglar behind bars again

Filed under: willard drug treatment center

Pain Clinic Las Vegas, Pain Management, Addiction Medicine


Pain Clinic Las Vegas, Pain Management, Addiction Medicine – http://nvcpc.com (702) 476-9999 Nevada Comprehensive Pain Center Visit any of our 4 Locations in Las Vegas 2820 W. Charleston Blvd. ste. 7 Las Vegas,NV 89102…


Agricultural Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Three Events in January

Filed under: addiction help nevada

To understand why, it first helps to consider just a few of the technologies and trends that did not make my list: 3D printers, flying drones, low-cost robotics, insanely fast gigabit Internet speeds, cheap cloud computing capability, artificial …
Read more on PR Web (press release)