drug treatment

Ways to Convince My Parents Not to Send Me Into Rehab?

Question by dc w: Ways to convince my parents not to send me into rehab?
Im 19 y/o I have a job, in college and have my own car that I bought with my own money, some of my friends smoke pot and often when I am around them they offer me hits for free. I almost never buy my own and never bring the stuff home or come home high out of respect for my parents and there house. My mom has been suspecting that I smoked for awhile and straight out asked me today. I told her the truth that I sometimes smoke and that its not a big deal she freaked out and basically told me im going to be kicked out if I don’t go to rehab right away. I see no reason for this, I am not addicted and it changes my life in no way. Can anyone give me some tips for calming her down? Thanks

St. Louis Inpatient and Outpatient Addiction Rehab


St. Louis inpatient and outpatient addiction rehab – Dr. Joe Pickard of Midwest Institute for Addiction.


Holliday, Rosenthal work out using 'NFL program'

Filed under: drug treatment centers in st. louis mo

The acquisition of Peter Bourjos immediately turned center field into a position of strength for St. Louis. It also prompted movement in the infield, with Matt Carpenter moving to third and Kolten Wong sliding into second. With the upgrades and changes …
Read more on StlCardinals.com


A-fib Common After Aortic Valve Replacement

The Most Successful Treatment Program for Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse?

Question by Sheerah: the most successful treatment program for alcohol abuse and drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Rehab or therapy

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



CA Addiction Treatment Center – http://CaliforniaAddictionNetwork.com/ – The Detox Center believes that no one has to suffer just because they are addicted to drugs and alcohol. We believe …


LI lacks drug treatment spots, expert tells Suffolk lawmakers

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Rehab After Work Drug Counseling | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464


Rehab After Work Drug Counseling | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464 – Individuals can seek individual therapy sessions at any time during treatment. http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Those seeking treatment are assigned a co…


Ex-officer: War on drugs 'far worse' than a failure

Filed under: drug treatment centers in pennsylvania

"Once we start treating drug abuse as a health problem instead of a crime problem, we won't have to arrest and sacrifice on the altar of the drug war 1.7 million people a year who we arrest for nonviolent drug offenses, which is what we do today," said …
Read more on Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Can My Friend Get His Record Expunged?

Question by : Can my friend get his record expunged?
I feel bad for my friend. He’s been trying so hard but he can’t land a decent job because of his criminal record. I want to help him, but I can’t really think of any way other than helping him to get his record expunged. Only I don’t know much about the law, so I’m not sure if it’s even possible. I don’t want to bring it up unless I know for sure he could get it expunged. He did time for a felony when he was 17. He had an arrest before that, there was jail time but no conviction (like he didn’t get sentenced to prison time) because he was under suspicion of committing another violent felony. That was when he was 14. So he has an arrest from when he was 14 and a conviction from when he was 17, that he was tried as an adult for. We’re in New York State if that matters (he was also arrested + sentenced in NY). So do you think it’s possible for him to get his record expunged? If not, how else can I help him?

Jehovah’s Witnesses Martyrs of the Holocaust?

Question by Adamantium: Jehovah’s Witnesses martyrs of the holocaust?
The Swedish government has produced a book on the Holocaust entitled Tell Ye Your Children, which has been distributed throughout the country free of charge to all households with children. This publication notes that Jehovah’s Witnesses “refused to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler and Nazi Germany. Such resistance is exceptional because merely signing a document declaring their allegiance would have ended their persecution—yet few chose this option.”

Jehovahs Witnesses were the only group given a choice to stay in the concentration camps or swear allegiance to hitler.