drug test

Are These Signs of Drug Abuse?

Question by prncessang228: are these signs of drug abuse?
I have a 7 year old daughter that I was sharing joint custody of with my ex-husband up until 12-3
of this year.

on that date, my daughter came home stating her father had physically hit her on the back of the head (where she had 3 staples in to close up a cut she received after being pushed by a cousin at her uncle’s house on her dad’s side of the family) b/c he got angry at her for not sticking with a lie he had made up about her being sick so that I would come pick her up from his house instead of him having to take her to school. I currently have temporary full custody of my daughter due to an order of protection being passed. I also called CPS and filed a report.

Is Drug Addiction a Problem in the Philippines?

Question by shirley p: is drug addiction a problem in the philippines?
do you have any basis that drug addiction is really a problem in the philippines

Best answer:

Answer by asen

for suffering addicts

no place on earth that is untouched by this deadly menace
if u can be more specific …

What do you think? Answer below!



BBC News Philippines UK helicopter deploys aid to primary school


Today I'm 78, Happy Birthday to me

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

Chronic Pain and Drug Addiction…please Help.?

Question by Scooter: Chronic pain and drug addiction…please help.?
I have a friend whose son takes medication for a legitimate chronic pain. He is also, unfortunately addicited to several illicit drugs, and was already a heavy drinker when he was injured. Does anyone know of a treatment facility geared to handle drug addicition and pain management. Everything here has failed. The family doctor is concerned for his life.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The pain medication is prescribed by a doctor and is absolutely neccessary. He is under the care of competant pain management. The problem is most treatment facilities are only set up to get the drugs out of you. They aren’t set up to try and determine which ones need to really stay in you. we need advanced drug and alchohol treatment combined with pain management.

How Many Children Enter Foster Care at Birth in This Situation?

Question by sizesmith: How many children enter foster care at birth in this situation?
Supposedly, this woman is afraid of giving birth, and says in the past, she’d made some horrible mistakes in neglecting her children through drugs. Now that she’s clean, she expects that the state is going to take the child she’s carrying. Does this still happen?
BTW-this is NOT my son’s 1st mom, it is a person through an adoption support groups friend.

Best answer:

Drug Addiction : How to Parent a Child With a Heroin Addiction


Drug Addiction : How to Parent a Child with a Heroin Addiction – Parenting and helping a child with heroin addiction usually cannot be done alone, and seeking an addiction specialist highly advised. Discover these tips for…


Reformed drug addicts as specialist magistrates? Why not?

Filed under: drug addiction help

Not only because it might help to create a more representative class of magistrates. More importantly, because it might help the criminal justice system become more effective at dealing with certain types of problem and certain types of crime. It is …
Read more on The Independent

What Is the Most Intoxicating Thing You Can Do to Your Body?

Question by italianovenizio1392: What is the most intoxicating thing you can do to your body?
Think about all the things you see on Health and News channels all the talk about smoking, drinking, drug abuse. Do you really know what the MOST intoxicating thing you could do to your body? We do it everyday unknowingly and care-free but it injures our bodies! Serious answers only!

Best answer:

Answer by przhm247

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


The Local Agenda: Gainesville updates drugfree policy

Filed under: free drug abuse help