drug rehab

Do You Agree That Ron Paul Is Right on One Thing? Stopping the War on Drugs.?

Question by x z: Do you agree that Ron Paul is right on one thing? Stopping the War on drugs.?
It had to be a maverick like him to say what most people know in their guts that the War On Drugs is not controlling drug traffick, or illegal profits funding gangs and terrorists all over the world. In Afghanistan drug moneys are killing our soldiers, we may even lose that war.

Best answer:

Answer by Ashley G
nah not really

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug Rehab Treatment Based Christian Recovery Radio Show in Vista


Drug Rehab Treatment based Christian Recovery Radio Show in Vista – At CDAT (Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment) (760) 991-2328. http://www.christiandrugandalcoholtreatment.com This show marks the end of the weeklong discus…


Adolescent Residential Treatment Centers / Rehab?

Question by (: <3: Adolescent residential treatment centers / rehab?
My parents want me to send me to an adolescent residential treatment center for my bulimia and depression. Im a 16 year old female

I need to know more about these programs through your firsthand knowledge and experience; there isnt much information about these centers on the internet

how much freedom do you have? do you have to go to bed and wake up at a certain time each day? how are the living conditions? do you ever get to leave the center to go out with friends or anything?

thanks so much.

Best answer:

Drug Rehab New York – CALL 877-648-4421 – FREE 24/7 Helpline – New York Drug Rehab Centers


Drug Rehab New York – CALL 877-648-4421 – FREE 24/7 Helpline – New York Drug Rehab Centers – Drug Rehab New York – Call 877-648-4421 – FREE 24/7 Helpline. Choosing a Drug Treatment Program. When evaluating the many types of substance abuse treatment …


Florida Drug Rehab – Florida Drug Rehabilitation Center


Florida Drug Rehab – Florida Drug Rehabilitation Center – http://www.TheRecoveryPlace.net (877) 575-7607 Florida drug rehabilitation center provides active drug rehab treatment processes that are combined in a way t…


What Is Someone That Works at a Christian Drug Rehab Center Called?

Question by : What is someone that works at a Christian drug rehab center called?
Like, the person who talks to the people with addictions and tries to help them and talk about God?

Best answer:

Answer by susanperr

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Christian Drug Treatment Center Will Show How To Beat Addiction – http://transformationstreatment.com/treatment-center-testimonials.html Transformations Treatment Center is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center that…