What Are the Statistic of the Use and Abuse of the Drug Xanax?
Question by LOADED: What are the statistic of the use and abuse of the drug Xanax?
Any websites that will tell me the use and abuse in teens and adults.
Best answer:
Answer by Ed
This website tells you the percentage of the population that has used the drug. Abuse statistics, and alot of other information.
I feel the numbers may be higher than listed here.
But of course no one will ever no the actual number of teens and adults abusing the drug. Only reported cases and statisics of those prescribed.
Rodrigo Canales: The Deadly Genius of Drug Cartels
Rodrigo Canales: The deadly genius of drug cartels – Up to 100000 people died in drug-related violence in Mexico in the last 6 years. We might think this has nothing to do with us, but in fact we are all compl…
Fort Bend Community Prevention Coalition supports the “Talk. They Hear You …
Filed under: drug abuse help websites
Sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the underage drinking prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children – particularly ages 9 to 15 – about the dangers of alcohol …
Read more on Fortbendstar.com
What Are Ohio’s Drug Paraphenlia and Possesion Charges?
Question by Bobbie: what are ohio’s drug paraphenlia and possesion charges?
Best answer:
Answer by Ben
Ohio – marijuana
less than 100 g – misdemeanor – $ 100 fine
100 – 200 g – 4th degree misdemeanor – up to 30 days jail and/or $ 250 fine
200 – 1000g – 5th degree felony – 6 months – 1 year jail and/or $ 2500 fine
500 – 20,000g – 3rd degree felony 1 – 5 years and/or $ 10,000 fine
possession paraphernalia – misdemeanor – up to 30 days jail
sale paraphernalia – misdemeanor – up to 90 days – $ 750 fine
Tempted by Prescription Drugs?
Question by korkykrayon: tempted by prescription drugs?
I’ve really been scaring myself lately. I find myself increasingly anxious and depressed, mostly at night when there is nothing to do, and it’s at this time, when I’m lying in bed or surfing the web that my mind drifts to drugs. I keep thinking about taking the prescription drugs that I know are in my house just out of curiosity. I’ve never even smoked weed so I have no history of being drug-curious, but for some reason, the allure is there. During the day, I think about what was going through my head the night before and almost laugh at the stupidity of it, but then that night, it happens all over again. Anyone heard of exhibiting the psychological signs of addiction without having taken the drug? Anyway. My main question is: what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about these drugs, and how can I stop? And I should mention that I can’t really throw the drugs out because they belong to my parents; they’d probably notice and assume I was doing them anyway. (Irony, anybody?)
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life.”
Big fan of that show. And thanks for the response.
Addiction Recovery — Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources
Addiction Recovery — Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources – Russell Hughes Part Two – Treatment for Alcohol Recovery, Aluston Health Darya Dyagel – Treatment for Alcohol Recovery, Aluston Health Part Two: If you’re st…
Health Help Donated to Tri County Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse by Charles Myrick of ACRX
Health Help Donated to Tri County Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse by Charles Myrick of ACRX – http://www.americanconsultantsrxinc.com .” Enjoy a brief recap of this great organization doing a fantastic service in the community!” -Charles Myrick – Pres…