community service

Help Me I Violated Probation I Am a Minor. I Dont Know What to Do Will I Get Violation for Faild Test Thc Help

Question by Brad M: help me i violated probation i am a minor. i dont know what to do will i get violation for faild test thc help
i live in MA im 16 and i was put on probation 1yeah go 4a stolen bike. i violated probation for not doing all my community service. then before i went to court i got arrested for my ten year old friend lit a match and dropped it in the trash can. i was with him so i got charged with a misdmnr(willful burning of property under 25$ ) but i was arrested and sent to jail for 1 night. court next day my attorney said that i cud go to a 6 month treatment program so i went there also i went to a 21 day drug rehab. then and now im home i have court tuesday. i just failed a drug test for thc there was only a little bit thc in it. i told my PO that i was in a car with people who were smoking and i didnt know but it appeared there was not much in my system because i dilluted my urin . now i think i have 2 violation my parents lawyer are saying that i go to this other stupid treatment program for a year or i go to jail till im 18 is there any way to not go to either wat kind of lawyer do i need to d

Serenity House – Ogden, Utah, a House of Hope Program


Does Anyone Know of Any Free Drug/alcohol Rehabs in So Cal?

Question by Skull Boy: Does anyone know of any free drug/alcohol rehabs in So Cal?
I have a nephew that has a really bad alcohol and speed addiction. He’s been in the emergency room several times over the past two years and almost died the last time. He needs to go a rehab center, but the family can’t afford it. Does anyone know of any free rehab centers in So Cal? He lives in Victorville CA, but will travel if needed. It needs to be a place where he can stay. Out patient won’t work for him I’m afraid.

What Is a Pre-Trial Diversion? Florida Criminal Defense Attorney Steve Kramer Explains


Question About First Violation of Probation in Tennessee!?

Question by Justin: Question about first violation of probation in Tennessee!?
Ok my brother lives in Tennessee. He’s on probation for a dui he got a few years ago. He saw his probation officer and paid the fines every month. His place of work moved to Kentucky so he had to go as well. My mom still drove up there every month to bring him back to take him to his probation officer. After a few months they laied him off. He didn’t have money to pay his proby officer and my mom couldn’t afford to go get him every month to take him. He stayed in Kentucky for 2 years and he finally decided to come back and turn himself in. He did so and bailed out and got a new job and turned his life around. He’s now doing great clean from drugs and alcohol and working hard. He’s even going to a treatment center every week for drugs and alcohol. When he went to court the judge gave him 30 days in jail for his first violation of probation. So he told the judge he wants a public defender. The public defender said he wont have to go to jail for that long because its his first violation of probation, he turned himself in, and he’s in treatment for drugs and alcohol. So my question is does anyone have any idea of how much time he’s looking at? Maybe someone has been in the same situation or a similar one and has an idea of what he may receive wether jail time or fines and or community service? Thanks in advance.

What Do You Think?About This Story???

Question by One love: What do you think?about this story???
OMG! Im pissed at this story:

*COLUMBUS, Ohio – A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he’s too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs.


Lawyers for Richard Cooey argue in a federal lawsuit that Cooey — 5-feet-7 and 267 pounds — had poor veins when he faced execution five years ago and the problem has been worsened by weight gain.