community service

Is There a Book That Deals With a Real Teenage Girls Life?

Question by Madeline: Is there a book that deals with a real teenage girls life?
I’m talking about eating disorders, drug abuse,teen pregnancy, lying to parents, sneaking around, girls being bullied by popular girls, and someone feeling unwanted or unloved. Kind of like the people that posts stuff on six billion secrets. Like real life issues.

Ten Points for best answer. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Taylor
There are many. I actually write stories on these topics for teens. But, I’m not published or anything.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Where Can I Find Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by cassie s: Where can I find drug treatment programs?
I have a friend who is addicted to drugs. And I would like to help him clean his act. We’ve been friends since college but after getting fired from his work, he turned to drugs. I’ve been telling him to stop but he keeps telling me that he will eventually. I would like to help him seek professional help before he gets worse. I am scared that he would get AIDS out of sharing needles with his ‘drug friends’. Can anyone tell me where I can get him drug treatment programs?

How Much Jail Time Might I Do if I Turn Myself in on My Warrent?

Question by stil runnin: How much jail time might I do if I turn myself in on my warrent?
In 2004 I caught my second felony possesion charge. I recieved a 4 month treatment program and 18 months probation for my crime. I completed the 4 month treatment program and another 4 months of probation. That left me with 10 months on my probation But I started getting high and screwed up my drops for the probation officer. He gave me a chance to clean up my act and I didn’t take it. I was supposed to drop clean but I couldn’t stop using. So I made the stupid descision of drinking a substance that was supposed to help me drop clean but only wound up getting detected. So my probation officer violated me for 3 dirty drops and said the 3rd was alterated. I was terrified of going to jail while still using, so I went on the run and have been running since November 2005.
I’m in a program now and have been clean and free of drugs since April 2006. I have paperwork that will back that up . Does anyone think a jugde will show some mercy? Serious answers only. This is in Illinois.

Bart R. – AA Speaker – 12-Step Recovery From Alcoholism and Addiction


Bart R. – AA Speaker – 12-Step Recovery from Alcoholism and Addiction – From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: “In spite of the great increase in the size and span of this Fellowship, at its core it remains simple and personal. Each…


Community Services for Aug. 11

Filed under: addiction help books

Al-Anon Family Groups, a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics and addicts who share experiences, strength and hope in order to solve common problems, meet at 7 p.m. Mondays in Rainbow City ([email protected] or 256-442-8697); at 7:30 p.m …
Read more on Gadsden Times

Should We Start a Foundation or Charity?

Question by Ali: Should we start a foundation or charity?
Last October my mom passed away from having a drug addiction to prescriptions. So my friend came up with this idea that we start a foundation for my mom, and to help other addicts. Also, to help save lives, and help others not loose their loved ones like I did.

But as I started researching I kind of got confused on what exactly a foundation and what exactly a charity is.. so could someone explain it better to me please?

#4 Discover the 22 Crucial Signs of Drug Use in People Around You!


#4 Discover the 22 Crucial Signs of Drug Use in People Around You! – you wondered if there is drug use in people around you. Watch this video to find out the 22 critical signs of drug use in …


Police officer: violence hurts kids

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

The majority of children have difficulties in maintaining any sort of healthy relationships and their peer social skills are obviously lacking, often resorting to the use of violence to resolve conflict. … touched or become overly affectionate which …
Read more on The Young Witness