Need Recommendation for a Good Rehab in LA, and a Good Wedding Chaple in Las Vegas?
Question by probum: Need recommendation for a good rehab in LA, and a good wedding chaple in Las Vegas?
Looking for rehab for drug or alcohol addiction in Los Angles, and a wedding chapel in Las Vegas (cheesier the better, near greyhound station the best)!
If you have recommendations or been to one of those places, please let me know the location and especially if you have their websites and pictures, thanks!
Best answer:
How Can I Help or Chat With Drug Addicts Still Using on the Interent?
Question by Pooky143: How can i help or chat with drug addicts still using on the interent?
I am a drug addict with 2 years sober even tho i am sober i will always be an addict. But i was wondering if there was a way for me to help other using addicts maybe tell them my story and just talk with them. I have been there and know how it feels, i think with all my knowledge i have gained with my addiction and recovery i could help someone else. I was wodering if there was a way to do so on the internet?
Will a Judge Overlook a Proven History of Alcohol and Drug Addiction While in Court About a Visitation Disagre?
Question by Christy: Will a judge overlook a proven history of alcohol and drug addiction while in court about a visitation disagre?
Will a judge overlook a proven history of alcohol and drug addiction while in court about a visitation disagreement?
Cocaine Addiction Rehab That Helps – 1-855-885-8651
cocaine addiction rehab that helps – 1-855-885-8651 – Do you or a friend Continuallyfight with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse Hinders the entire Family. …
Addiction to meth not a death sentence
Filed under: cocaine addiction help
"Meth addiction is treatable. There is no doubt about that. Meth is just as treatable as any other drug out there," said Alberta, program director with The Living Center in Yuma. "Fifty percent of people who complete treatment successfully recover …
Read more on Yuma Sun
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers – Substance Abuse Treatment Centers.
'Diversion' Programs Send More to Treatment, Instead of Prison
Filed under: drug addiction treatment
After getting caught helping make counterfeit checks, David Ahrens escaped a six-month prison term by entering a yearlong "diversion" program that he said treated his drug-and-alcohol addiction. "Without a doubt, that is one of the best things that has …
Read more on Wall Street Journal
Weight Loss Drug Topamax May Curb Cocaine Addiction
Filed under: drug addiction treatment
Intervention Help for Cocaine Addiction
Intervention Help for Cocaine Addiction – Intervention, Detox, and Rehab are all necessary parts of an Addiction Treatment. Our video shows how important it is that you get your loved ones with an ad…
CVS Requiring Customers To Show ID To Purchase Nail Polish Remover
Filed under: cocaine addiction help
President Barack Obama has admitted to smoking marijuana and using cocaine <a href="">during his high school and college days</a>. …. After being fired from Bear Sterns in …
Read more on Huffington Post