addiction treatment

What Are the Statistic of the Use and Abuse of the Drug Xanax?

Question by LOADED: What are the statistic of the use and abuse of the drug Xanax?
Any websites that will tell me the use and abuse in teens and adults.

Best answer:

Answer by Ed

This website tells you the percentage of the population that has used the drug. Abuse statistics, and alot of other information.

I feel the numbers may be higher than listed here.

But of course no one will ever no the actual number of teens and adults abusing the drug. Only reported cases and statisics of those prescribed.

Alcohol Treatment Center in New Jersey


alcohol treatment center in new jersey – Welcome to Drugnet, a comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment center and relapse prevention information and resource site. Features include a sear…


My Son Is a Drug Addict. What Should I Do?

Question by Henry Wood: My son is a drug addict. What should I do?
Oh no, my son is seriously addicted to so many drugs that it is scary. Just yesterday, I caught him huffing glue and trying to get high off of fertilizer. He also regularly likes to go out drinking drunk and recently got fired from his job because he went to work naked while he was smoking a blunt. I am scared for him. I tried talking to him last night, but he just shut the door on me and went back to smoking meth. Oh my gosh, help me!

Speech Help…importance of Not Doing Drugs.?

Question by Cory D: Speech Help…importance of not doing drugs.?
Im going a speech for english. it needs to be at least 4 minutes long and i got about 2 minutes of that covered. its about the importance of not doing drugs. i have 3 main points but i need some more behind them. they’re Life in jail, life out of jail and health effects. so whats all this like and how does it affect you is what im asking.

Best answer:

“Addiction Led Me Down a Dark Path” – Residential Treatment Cobb, Ga. Christian Addiction Rehab C


“Addiction led me down a dark path” – Residential Treatment Cobb, Ga. Christian Addiction Rehab C – Private Addiction Treatment Center. My addiction became so dark and burdensome that I was relieved when I was finally caught. I found he…


Betty Ford Center Inpatient Treatment Program


Betty Ford Center Inpatient Treatment Program – The non-profit Betty Ford Center is an Alcohol Addiction and Drug Addiction Treatment hospital located in the luxurious resort community of Rancho Mirage, Ca…