Started With a DUI, Failed Drug Test Once With Alcohol, Then Again for Cocaine 2 Violations of Probation…?

Question by ;lkajsl;kjfdkjd: Started with a DUI, failed drug test once with alcohol, then again for cocaine 2 violations of probation…?
My girlfriend got a DUI in Georgia about a year ago and is still on probation. She failed her first drug test for alcohol (which she thought would be acceptable. she is 22!!). Court ordered that she goes to 90 AA meetings (so far shes gotten 4-5 meetings/week) and get drug tested each week… Last week we found out she failed a test for cocaine (not a normal user) and has now been in jail for 6 days now. Her court is in 3 more days and I have arranged for a court appointed lawyer (no $ for expensive one!!) What kind of penalty should we expect for this? Please, someone with experience in violation of probation cases…
Is she looking at jail time, boot camp, house arrest, or rehab?? and how long will it be?
I know she makes stupid choices. You and I both do also… Please do not tell me to break up with someone I’m in love with because Its not going to happen. I want a serious answer please.
Well I figured I’d contribute a real life answer to anyone who researches this question… She had a court appearance today. The judge revoked her probation totaling a year and a half left (if she stays the entire sentence she will probably get this time cut in half or serve around 9 or 10 months). She is up for review in 30 days after getting a drug evaluation at the jail (so they can learn her problems, i guess). Hopefully in 30 days they will make her go to rehab for a few months or something that will help her learn how to handle her life instead of spending time in jail. And by the way… You are not eligible for a court appointed lawyer in the state of Georgia when you violate probation on a technical status like hers (drug test), you have to actually get arrested and add a new charge to violate your probation to receive a court appointed lawyer. Its like she may have been better off getting caught with cocaine on her person when she was arrested…Hope this helps someone!

Best answer:

Answer by Jason P
she sounds like a moron.

What do you think? Answer below!



Foundations Outpatient – Atlanta, GA (Drug and Alcohol Rehab) – (877) 714-1317 To achieve a successful recovery from drug and alcohol addiction & abuse, Foundations’ services are built to work in conjunction with the pati…


3 Responses to Started With a DUI, Failed Drug Test Once With Alcohol, Then Again for Cocaine 2 Violations of Probation…?

  • Chase U says:

    Wow man, you guys need to find some new friends…

  • sunstarr says:

    Why don’t you just dump this girl? She’s always going to be a thorn in your side.

  • foundationsrnetwork says:

    @ZanderandJanine Alternative routes of healing effectiveness depend on how
    receptive and open the participant is. So its up to you!

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