Safe Acetaminophen Use


Safe Acetaminophen Use – Acetaminophen, the pain- and fever-reducing drug in Tylenol®, is also used in a growing number of prescription and over-the-counter medications such as Vicodin® and Robitussin®. In this Children’s Channel video podcast, Michael Reed, PharmD, FCCP, FCP, director of clinical pharmacology and toxicology at Akron Children’s Hospital, discusses the steps individuals can take to ensure the appropriate use of this traditionally safe and effective drug.


Schools say no to old drug programs

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The year before Tyler's death, the Ohio Department of Health reported a record 1,544 accidental drug-overdose deaths, reflective of a 39 percent rise in prescription-drug abuse. Though the number of kids smoking cigarettes and drinking has …
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Hepatitis C cases climbing in NKY

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New stomach virus surfaces in Ohio

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Just as a nationwide flu epidemic appears to have leveled off in Ohio, a new strain of stomach virus has surfaced in state with the potential to spread quickly, according to state health officials. The state already is experiencing … Also, there is …
Read more on Hamilton Journal News (subscription)


5 Responses to Safe Acetaminophen Use

  • roorsalt says:

    why is it halved? if alcoholic? liver function is less?

  • Allibaby78 says:

    Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning is guided? by the post-ingestion plasma level. This reaches a peak at four hours and measurements before this are of little benefit.

    The level recorded should be plotted on a treatment nomogram. Levels requiring antidote include

    200 mcg per ml at 4 hours
    70 mcg per ml at 10 hours and
    50 mcg per ml at 12 hours.
    Treatment thresholds should be halved in patients who are alcoholic or who are taking anti-convulsants.

  • JOHNNYSschool says:

    the drug is only good to break a high temp. Besides that god already made all the pain killers we need the 2 strongest are opium and weed wich unlike tylenol have never been proven to kill any one= Tylenol killes over 400 people every year in the USA alone probley 10thoulsand around? the world

  • spinemelter2000 says:

    Effective my foot. Acetaminophen doesn’t do anything for me when I take it alone. I always need diphenhydramine or caffeine. Sometimes Excedrin hurts my stomach, so I’ll take Tylenol with Vivarin, which isn’t a guaranteed pain reliever, but it’s better than just plain Tylenol for reducing the? tension headaches I have every day.

    What are the alternative drugs to acetaminophen mentioned at the end of the video?

  • drmdk says:

    Excellent Video

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