Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction


Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction – Discover the symptoms of alcoholaddiction in this free home health video. Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has been a recovering alcohol and drug addict for over 17 years. Falling off the wagon, after five years, John learned a no nonsense approach to dealing w


Are Athletes Primed for Prescription Drug Addiction?

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

The heavy physical training elite athletes endure may prime the brain for addiction. According to a study from Tufts University, an extreme preoccupation with training can mimic the biological effects of drug abuse, leading to withdrawal-like symptoms …
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Drug addict who was welcomed into home of his Christian solicitor returned to

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Solicitor and a lay preacher Dr Anthony Weston, who is in his 70s, gave drug addict Matthew Kaye, 30, money and took him to church services in a bid to reform him. But the pensioner was shocked when he discovered that Kaye had raided his home in …
Read more on Daily Mail


Scott should follow NJ and treat drugaddicted offenders

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Christie, a lifelong Republican and former federal prosecutor, delivered the following truisms in a speech at the Brookings Institution: "The war on drugs, while well-intentioned, has been a failure" and New Jersey is "warehousing addicted people every …
Read more on Orlando Sentinel


From Twitter: -The Addiction Blog – What are heroin withdrawal symptoms? – by RichBassett (Richard Bassett)


From Twitter:

Common Prescription Drug Addiction Symptoms – by seekyt (Seekyt)


From Twitter:

@J_shmackin12 its not the coffee its the caffeine. It’s the most common drug addiction today just look up the side effects/withdraw symptomsby debonairdev (??? ON)


19 Responses to Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

  • Kahvelisika says:

    watch out for those alcoholics. they’re? dangerous.


    if your a expert why are you separating alcohol as? a drug when its a drug ?????

  • pinkymixology says:

    on behalf of expert village, you’re recording this next to a highway with? the worst microphone ever.

  • pigjubby1 says:

    A good sign is when the communication style changes, When the person’s tone and way of speaking? changes. They just don’t seem like they normally talk.

  • kelsejoyce8336 says:

    this video is horrible!? Totally unprofessional, looks like a joke.

  • hirokx says:

    I think recognizing any addiction is hard. I was addicted to gaming as silly as it may sound. I made a video of it on? my channel. haha

  • JianLong1833 says:

    What he say was? the last symptom?

  • marcmantione says:

    It’s not the way to go booze kills more then everything? and withdrales are not fun check it on google

  • espltdm251playa says:

    Ill drink to? that

  • KEl0TRvNC3 says:

    hahahahaha he is a fibber!!!?

  • tpis469 says:

    Those are the symptoms of being? drunk/hungover.

  • soundwolf6 says:

    soundwolf6the profetionals say your an alcoholic if you cant go without a drink for 48 hours!!! if? your dependant you will get the shakes among other things within that time frame. i dont understand how someone can become addicted to alcohol!! god knows iv tried!! but loving and drinking alot is differant to being an alcoholic to become one you would have to drink everyday for months on end. everyone drinks in australia!! we all must be alcohlics

  • EsheAhkura says:

    “Once the? liquor dries… what remains of the man?”

  • spikeyChampion says:

    @jimismusic24 I sincerely hope you make the decision to ask for help, there is no shame in asking for help if you honestly feel that you can’t do it on your own. When you are ready ways you can do this are to speak with a doctor, go into a treatment program or you could contact Alcoholics Anonymous. Maybe? you can fight your addiction on your own but you don’t have to, help is out there if you seek it.

  • RUInternational says:

    There is hope for? the Hopeless that are struggling with addiction. Reformers Unanimous is a faith-based addictions program. We maintain an 82% percent success rate! Check us out @Ruinternational.

  • bladegal16 says:

    i think he? was referring to during the day. and you really dont have to be so critical

  • CharlesL33 says:

    so if someone’s drunk, they’re automatically an alcoholic? my dad has a glass of bourbon some nights? and i smell it in his breath, he’s not an alcoholic, nor does he get drunk

  • FenixofWow says:

    your an? idiot

  • jetplane002 says:

    The last person to always find out and admit they have a drinking problem is? themselves. It’s easy to spot an alcoholic unless it’s yourself.

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