Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Echoes


Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Echoes – Mitt Romney says Barack Obama doesn’t think entrepreneurs built their businesses. The problem is that’s not what the president said. (July 25)


2-year-old boy drowns after falling into hot tub

Filed under: Columbus Drug Addiction Help

Two columbus men were arrested at 6:33 p.m. June 30 after police responded to a report of shoplifting at a business in the 100 block of Postage Drive. Reports said a 37-year-old man was arrested and charged with theft and possession of drug abuse …
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Program in Horry County helps prisoners function in society

Filed under: Columbus Drug Addiction Help

Police said 39-year-old Andy W. Clegg of Columbus, Ohio died Monday morning at Carolina East Medical Center after he went … Most of them were drug addicts, alcoholics or had some type of psychological problem", said Tom Fox Director of Detention.
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23 Responses to Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Echoes

  • GWhiz99 says:

    While the internet notes the doppelganger resemblance between Barack Hussein Obama and formerly homeless and destitute Columbus, OH “golden throat” Ted Williams, it was Obama and Homeland Security Secretary? Janet NAPoLITano who were charged w/addressing the 4/15/13 Boston Marathon bombings. Unrelated: “We’d Like to Thank the Academy” ep. (12/8/10) of Steve Franks’ “Psych” on ION Television 10PM ET 4/13/13 w/Andrew Francis as Dickie, in which Shawn (James Roday)shoots a “woman” exiting a library

  • GWhiz99 says:

    MLB hitting great Ted Williams: associated with Boston Red Sox. Barack Hussein Obama was about to start his third year in the White House when ex-homeless and drug-addicted Columbus,OH “golden throat” & Obama doppelganger,? Ted Williams, became national news. Unrelated: Obama’s 2012 Republican opponent, Willard Mitt Romney, presiding from Boston as governor of Massachusetts for one term; no Republican winning White House without Ohio; anchor Judi Gaston at RAYcom Media’s WIS-TV(NBC)in Columbia,SC

  • GWhiz99 says:

    MLB hitting great Ted Williams: associated with Boston Red Sox. Barack Hussein Obama was about to start his third year in the White House when ex-homeless and drug-addicted Columbus,OH “golden throat” & Obama doppelganger, Ted Williams, became national news. Unrelated: Obama’s 2012 Republican opponent, Willard Mitt? Romney, presiding from Boston as governor of Massachusetts for one term; Little Debbie Boston Creme Rolls w/offer for Breyer doll & pony on back (6″& 8″); Rafalca at 2012 London Games

  • GWhiz99 says:

    2/10/07: Barack Hussein Obama announced his presidential candidacy in Springfield,IL./Forest Whitaker hosted “Saturday Night Live”. Rainn Wilson hosted the next “SNL” on 2/24/07 w/Arcade Fire doing “Intervention” & “Keep the Car Running”. “The keys taken back were thrown…Working for the church while your family dies…Every spark of friendship and love will die without a? home” See Obama doppelganger (the internet notes) and one-time homeless “golden throat” Ted Williams at watch?v=ZrBkxcztA_o

  • GWhiz99 says:

    See pained expressions of historian Doris Kearns Goodwin on 1/21/09 “Oprah” examining election of Barack Hussein Obama from Washington D.C.’s Art and Soul restaurant, w/director Forest Whitaker. Four years later after Obama’s? 2nd inaugural, Goodwin did awards circuit for “Lincoln” based on her book “Team of Rivals”; it lost Best Picture Oscar to “Argo”. Oprah & Alice Walker: blanked at 58th Oscars; Walker got salty w/1st Home Federal prez(he left E.S.Melvin behind)-beating mayor at K.R. Williams

  • GWhiz99 says:

    Stop Thieves!: Forest Whitaker? hosted 2/10/07 “Saturday Night Live” w/musical guest Keith Urban singing “Stupid Boy”&”Once in a Lifetime”. Earlier on 2/10/07, Barack Hussein Obama announced his presidential candidacy in Springfield,IL. Rainn Wilson hosted the next ep. of “SNL” on 2/24/07 w/Arcade Fire performing “Intervention” and “Keep the Car Running”. “The keys taken back were thrown…Working for the church while your family dies…Every spark of friendship and love will die without a home”

  • AthenasConquest says:

    Nothing was? taken out of context. This is the real Obama without a Teleprompter

  • Alonzo196 says:

    It’s not enough for Romney to know but you can’t say I know what needs to be? done and not tell people how you plan to do it and basically say trust me anyways… Obama won!!! Get over it

  • diquanlockett17 says:

    he won!!!!!?

  • JesusNonEnviromental says:

    You must “Create” wealth, not Borrow or Print Money at Interest. Obama has? added no new Wealth to America, but has Borrowed 4 Trillion dollars above the Federal Income to keep the economy running. Romney knows that borrowing does not create Wealth but Poverty and Oppression and Control. America must start manufacturing Resources again like Steel, Timber, Gold, Silver, Cotton, Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Copper to build “True Wealth” not continue to print money at interest to the Banks

  • JesusNonEnviromental says:

    You’re exactly? right and that is why the NWO is moving away from Property Rights of citizens and applying Rights to the Environment as if it were a citizen. Obama is trying to rebuild the wealth of America without “resources”??? That cannot be done. He is lying about rebuilding America, He actually wants to control the Energy Sector which is worth Trillions of Dollars of wealth he does not want tapped into. Control resources and your control the Economy.

  • Tapajara says:

    Keep in mind? that money itself has no value. It only represents the value of goods and services which ultimately are taken from nature. So nature is really the source of everthing.

  • James Wilson says:

    I? do Landscaping all types myself. If I did not buld that, than who did?

  • Mike Renders says:

    Obama’s lengthened? quote is a call for free markets, something he has shown to abhor greatly.

  • skater6511 says:

    *that he? had

  • skater6511 says:

    1) Before he was a politician he was a lawyer so that assumption that always had? his salary paid by taxes is false.
    2)”NOTHING IS PAID FOR BY THE GOVERNMENT” if you want to use that logic then “Businesses don’t pay their own bills, other people buy what their selling and pay for the bills for them”.
    3) He means that you did not do everything on your OWN if you would have watched the the full speech he says because of your INDIVIDUAL work you’re successful but also because of societies help.

  • JesusNonEnviromental says:

    All Governments exist by the Power of their Military or their Alliance with other militaries. No government can exist without a strong military regardless of how rich or prosperous. Weaken the patriotism and allegiance of its people with their government and it will fall from within. This is the current scheme of the Communists who are entrenched in Media and Social circles and American colleges and secret societies throughout America. ? Weaken national pride and you destroy a country

  • JesusNonEnviromental says:

    Who Builds that? Well the Government has no money, but neither do Americans. All money is created by the Central Banking system which loans money into existance by issuing? debt with interest. Its called “New Money” and this “New Money System” was created by those who have “Old Money” and are the private owners of these Central Banks. The OLD Money is still in power and has all the power over nations because all nations are heavily indebted to these few rich elite.

  • moneydude496 says:

    You realize money circulates right? Just because the money that government spends was previously owned by a tax-payer doesn’t mean that the government wasn’t the one who spend the money. Anybody who has ever spent money originally got the money from somebody else. That means nothing. Obama was saying that we are a community and we work together, and as great as you may think you are, you still owe? society something.

  • YurYuTubeDr says:

    … does “a bit” mean “only” 5% more? Well, “only” 5% is around? $10K. And what the president is saying is that my $10K should go to the government to decide how to use it (like repairing roads since my high school friend who skipped classes and dropped out of college needs a job). Was my $60-70K already paid not enough? SOMETIME YOU HAVE TO STOP SPENDING. When I move to America 16 years ago, $1 Trillion DEBT was the headline. And now it’s $1 Trillion DEFICIT! WAKE UP PEOPLE, REPUBLICAN AND DEMO

  • YurYuTubeDr says:

    The comment, in it’s context, implies that I (as a relatively well off American) should be willing to pay “a bit more” in part because I drive on the same roads and enjoyed the public education I received in getting to a well-paid profession. I AM NOT WILLING, especially when he doesn’t acknowledge I already pay $60-70K in taxes to send my kids to the same? public school and drive on the same roads that my former elementary schoolmates pay $5k annually in taxes to use. How much is “a bit” anyway

  • larmar6058 says:

    Government = Community = You &? Me = Social Contract Theory.

  • radanter05 says:

    obama suck my dick hahaha?

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