
Question by V: Marijuana?
How bad is marijuana for you? I’ve heard a lot of different things…Some say marijuana is worse than cigarettes…some say cigarettes are worse than marijuana…and some believe marijuana is supposedly good for you…?

Best answer:

Answer by gaby
good for you help u relax
marijuana its not addictive dont believe that the guy who said probably never smoked marijuana before its maybe like the only one thats not addictive
u can stop whenever u want

What do you think? Answer below!



Marijuana and the Teenage Brain – This program informs students about the latest research on the effects of marijuana on the brain. Animated graphics clearly shows how…


12 Responses to Marijuana?

  • yonic a says:

    cigarettes are worse than marijuana but marijuana is more addicting

  • fusion_rushes says:

    Ok, here’s the real deal.

    The smoke from smoking marijuana is generally completely unfiltered (no that screen in your bowl doesn’t count) while cigarettes have a filter. In this sense, cigarettes are better than marijuana because they keep particles of plant material and larger clumps of tar from getting into your lungs.

    From the chemical standpoint, however, it is much easier to overdose on the nicotine in cigarettes than it is from any other chemical in marijuana. In this case, cigarettes are worse than marijuana.

    Finally, cigarettes are at least legal to possess. With this information, you be the judge. Hope this helps!

  • iamgoingtohelpyou says:

    Actually marijuana has more tar and does not have a filter which makes it much worse than cigarettes. Actually smoking one joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes. But you cannot overdose on marijuana.

  • rlbnll123 says:

    cigarettes are worse in the sense that u can get adicted to them…but marijuana is worse in the sense that it leaves behind more tar, and can cause different types of cancers and damage and kill ur brain cells a lor faster and kill more of them….

  • Aaron F says:

    Ok, I have been smoking marijuana for just about two years.
    Simple answer.
    If you don’t smoke, but maybe smoke marijuana every so often, it is not going to kill you, you may get a slight cough.
    If you do smoke, then why are you worrying about how bad marijuana is for you?
    The point is, people have to smoke 20 a day for 20+ years to even get lung cancer or anything serious like that. you don’t smoke 20 spliffs a day, do you? (or you’d be stupid if you did)
    So basically, smoking pot at the weekends with your friends (make sure you make it a social thing, doing it on your own is not a good Idea) is not going to hurt you in any way. It possibly even IS good for you in small amounts, It has been found to relieve stress, it is a painkiller*, and it is completely natural.

    *I was once ill will severe stomach pains, and I had a joint a day with friends, and it was the only thing that completely relieved my pain for a couple of hours

    So, it’s your choice. If you can deal with slight short-term memory loss, and are discreet concerning the law, there is honestly nothing wrong with it (as long as there is no history or mental illness etc in your family)

    Happy smoking!

  • sepi says:

    marijuana is not PHYSICALLY addictive but it is physiologically addictive. if you can get over the urge to get high all the time you should be okay. i believe the chances of getting cancer is more with cigs then weed. if u smoke once a while it will not do much harm but if you smoke ALOT it will slow down your reaction time and your creativity (because u’ll be lazy and want to take shortcuts) and basically make you lazy. with that be said i know people who are getting their masters in university and smoke alot of weed that doesn’t mean alot of people get like this but average do. you just have to in a way BEAT the urges and sideeffects and after a while it becomes a habit not to be lazy but still smoke weed.

  • aka 14 says:

    Cigarettes are much worse, Marijuana has never killed anyone. Since sucking in hot smoke is not good for you, you can always bake with it Example: Cook it down with a double boiler and make butter with it (you spread the butter on whatever you want like toast, crackers, etc.) and your off

    Isn’t making pot illegal stupid? I think so…

  • Electric Space Odyssey says:

    Marijuana Itself Is The Most Medicinally Active Plant Known To Man. Its also a Cure For Cancer! (Google The Rick Simpson Story).

    Marijuana: has been used for ages; Evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found as far Back as the Neolithic Age… Since then, Not a Single Human Has Ever Died Because Of It! Because it’s Practically non- Toxic to us with an LD50 of between approximately 50 and 86 g for a 68 kg (150 lb) female or Male person respectively. This would be equivalent to 1-1.8 kg of cannabis with a 5% THC content (roughly average) taken Orally.

    In Fact-

    *** We Have body Parts Meant to Take in Cannabinoids!!! ****

    These are Our CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors and they help Regulate many important body functions using naturally occuring cannabinoids present such anandamide (or “arachidonoylethanolamide”)

    and govern many vital bodily functions including:

    * appetite * bone density * mood regulation * reproduction * blood pressure * Learning capacity * motor coordination …

    One of the major functions of this system is the protection of nerve cells from damage by over activation of neurotransmitters.

    Marijuana is Distinguished From most other currently illicit drugs by the locations of its brain-receptor sites (cb1/cb2 cannabinoid receptors) for two predominant reasons:

    (1) The lack of receptors in the medulla significantly reduces the possibility of accidental, or even deliberate, death from THC,

    ~ and ~

    (2) the lack of receptors in the mesocorticolimbic pathway significantly reduces the risks of addiction and serious physical dependence.

    Marijuana Has Never Resulted In a Single Death Or Overdose In The Entire History Of Mankind –
    Legal, widely used and accepted aspirin on the other hand:

    “Common over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin kill around 20,000 Americans every year, and another 100,000 end up in hospital as a result of taking the drug, new research reveals”

    ~ Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, October 15, 2007.

    As a therapeutic drug, these features are Nature’s greatest gifts….

    Maybe its Time to rethink our drug laws…

    Any form of drug use (from aspirin to Marijuana, from Salvia to “the pill”, Legal or Not) is a public health issue, not a criminal one.

    We Learned Prohibition doesnt work (With Alcohol). So Why Repeat it???

    ~ Luis Hirschlieb *

  • D.C. B says:

    Cigarettes are worse and alcohol is WAY worse than pot

  • Cecil L says:

    its not bad for you. the only thing it can do is gamage your lungs but on a less severe level as cigarettes. the only reason it is illegal is because the government hasn’t tried to put taxes on it. once they realize they can get some money off it marijuana will definatly be legalized

  • Jesse Lazenby says:
    A ton of facts about the sticky icky. I am smokin a phat bowl right now, and it feels alot better than cigarettes, I am more relaxed, and bud has 10x lower amounts of tar and nicotine than a light cigarette. It is not addictive, I’ve smoked weed for 8 years and cigarettes for 3 and I don’t get pissed when I don’t have weed, if I don’t have a cigarette watch the hell out.

  • hobbit6921 says:

    marijuana is not bad for you…and it is not addicting because it contains no chemicals…weed has even been proven to have healthy effects…its prescribed to ppl with glaucoma because it opens up peripheral veins (thats why your eyes usually get red), sometimes given to ppl with bronchitis because it opens your bronchial tubes, and given to some ppl going through chemotherapy because they lose their appetites and that is unhealthy for them so they get the munchies…

    weed has been illegal less than 1% of the time that ppl have used it to get high

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