Is Alcohol a Drug?


Is Alcohol a Drug? – In this video, Bobby Wiggins, Narconon Drug Prevention Specialist, explains concisely why is alcohol a drug. The question is: Alcohol isn’t a drug, true or f…


22 Responses to Is Alcohol a Drug?

  • art4med says:

    Graphs could better be curved, and lowered energy dramaticized.

  • Bill Hughes says:

    i now going to watch cocaine to see if he using the same graph

  • sandbox1235 says:

    caffine is actually the most overused drug in the usa

  • SIsForSteppi says:

    Well i don’t think you can say, what Drugs do. Often I go to concerts and
    drink alcohol…when I come down (not drunk anymore), I still feelo happy
    and my body is still alright…even on the next day i sometimes feel very

  • Gabriel W says:

    so is being drunk a type of high?

  • Bill Hughes says:

    Stress??? here we go again that the same graph as the weed one. Never heard
    of that happening before. boy he i just going after all the drugs. the only
    different form the weed one was the was one was B1 and the other one was
    potassium. Same darn graph and same thing effect i think he retuarded and
    got a degree in counseling.

  • The RZA says:

    @M200CrazyCriz Alcohol. Don’t even need to compare. Marijuana should be
    legal alcohol should be illegal.

  • Lazaros20ify says:

    @TheOpssup why?

  • ImKoolWithThis says:

    Why do people listen to this clown? Hes a joke.

  • Piss Off says:

    Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the WORLD not just America.

  • inUR2teeth says:

    so to resume: shhhhhh shhhhhh …………. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Inpersona64 says:

    @kaitlingoff not true, alcohol is more frequently used than caffeine. There
    are people who drink in the morning and at night; whereas caffeine is
    mostly used in the morning. You don’t see too many, if at all, people
    drinking coffee at the dinner table. Besides that, this video really opened
    my eyes a bit. I only came here because a favorite youtube personality of
    mines said that “alcohol is a drug”. Never associated alcohol with the term
    drug before. So i guess its safe to say I DONT DO DRUGS.

  • Ted Bundy says:

    yeah I believe that guy means drug as narcotics and alcohol is one of them.
    I’ve seen a lot of bad things caused because of people being drunk, a lot
    more than people on LSD.

  • Angieamster says:

    I used to drink alcohol when I was a teenager and it almost took me to the
    hospital one day. I got so intoxicated that I could not walk. Today I don’t
    drink at all and have no problem with peer pressure.

  • SOCKvideos says:

    @ImKoolWithThis Don’t try denying what you know is true.

  • Monica Rodriguez says:

    My question is…you lose these nutrients, but does that mean it’s safe if
    you take more nutrient supplements than you do the actual drug?

  • Bill Hughes says:

    Yeah cause you get a buzz from it you don’t really buzz from weed like
    booze does.

  • bulbasaur90 says:

    I drink but I don’t want to get drunk, just sleepy and sleep well.

  • Kaitlin Goff says:

    Soda and tea have caffeine in them too, not just coffee.

  • Stfuen says:

    Same tecnique as with your anti-cannabis video… You could do this with
    almost anything. Example: Every time you feed yourself, you feel relaxed,
    not so hungry and happy. But once that effect wears of you start feeling
    anxious, hungry, sad and tired. It can even lead to death. Funfact: 24,000
    die each day in Africa from hunger. no downfalls for those who smoke
    cannabis all the time?

  • ieatpaint1029 says:


  • lookatmeanimator says:

    ahahaha the world’s #1 cash crop

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