I’m a Heroin Addict?

Question by takingsunday21: I’m a heroin addict?
Ok, to start im a 20 yr old male. I started using heroin about 5 or 6 months ago, when i was 19. I really hate what ive become. I have an awesome girlfriend, who doesnt have any idea about my problem, actually, none of my family knows. im a very skilled guitar player, but havent done anything productive since i started using. I know that in a twisted way, im fortunate to be seeking help this early in my addiction. so yes, my withdrawal period will be easier than someone whos been using for years but, at the same time, im to far in for it to be anywhere near easy. going cold turkey is not an option, i tried, and became extremely sick, and i never want to feel that way again. also an in house rehab center wouldnt work, because i have a fulltime job and i really dont want anyone to know about this, my family, friends, or co workers. Once im off, relapsing wont be an obstacle. It wont happen, im so ready to be off this damn drug. man, a methadone treatment would be ideal, but i want a doc.

Best answer:

Answer by First Lady
Not sure what your question actually is, but if you’re addicted to heroin, then you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get off of it….that may mean going on leave from your job or whatever. You have to do what you have to do to get off of it and it’s not always on your terms, but if you’re serious, then you need to call your doctor and get referred somewhere.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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4 Responses to I’m a Heroin Addict?

  • shygal9 says:

    You sound like my brother a few years ago…I don’t know where you are but there are methadone clinics everywhere so I would try to find one on google or something. That’s what helped my brother and he has now been clean for 5 years! Good job in seeking help..good luck with everything!

  • dhallkb says:

    Heroin is a very serious addiction. You will need to go to inpatient treatment for this. And you will need your family’s support. Its great that you recognize you have a problem and they will appreciate your honesty and the fact that you want to get help. Contact a professional, they will be able to give you a referral to a treatment program. Methodone is just a substitute for your addiction. You will be dealing with this possibly for the rest of your life…ma as well be honest with your family now.

  • YAMA says:

    you should tell your family about this, they will help and support you. this drug is not good and I do not know why this people take this damn drug which is a killer. you can see all the news these people die from overdose! you are young and you should have a great future ahead of you. You have to take one day at a time, and step by step. Like i said you should have your family help you, if you want to stay clean and sober. they will be behind you when ever you need help. That what they are for. It is a good thing, that I never tried it and never will. I heard alot what can happen when they take this f***ing drug! I wish you luck and have god by your side!

  • ezhumalai91 says:

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    helped me out

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