Ibogaine Treatment for Addiction
Ibogaine Treatment for Addiction – Our government has continuously denied its people a valuable and extraordinary treatment for physical drug addictions (and possibly other disorders) simply because that treatment has “psychedelic” effects. This treatment is a naturally occurring compound called ibogaine, which is found in the Tabernathe Iboga tree, which grows naturally in parts of Africa. If this treatment were legal, addiction would no longer be such a major problem in this country. Ibogaine has never been abused on the streets, but simply because its subjective effects are similar to those of LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, our government has outlawed it and placed it in the highest Schedule of drugs. The neurophysiological effects of ibogaine are extraordinary, research by several independent groups and even by NIDA (the National Institute for Drug Abuse) shows that Ibogaine does indeed completely eradicate the physical (and some of the mental) effects of addiction after being administered only once in some patients and no more then three times in others. Ibogaine stops recidivism in addiction. Its time we stop the unjust laws that hinder its use. (WWW.IBOGAINE.ORG) To learn more about the efforts to legitimize “psychedelic” psychotherapy treatments and gain FDA approval for such, visit the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies website. Make a donation to be part of a good cause! (WWW.MAPS.ORG)
At your service
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association
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Q&A: Drug crusader Gabriel Sayegh on saving money and lives in the drug war
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(After Portugal decriminalized all drugs, including heroin and cocaine, it reduced its number of blood borne diseases and STDs, reduced drug abuse, halved its number of addicts and reatly reduced property crimes connected with people stealing to …
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Treatment must be part of solution to drug robberies
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association
However, efforts to stem prescription drug abuse must also include a plan for recovery for addicts. Many people battling addiction will continue to do so without treatment. And when those people become desperate for drugs – either because they cannot …
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Strong test for FUR: Spectral stimulant
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association
A new spectroscopic method has been developed for the determination of the drug furosemide used to treat congestive heart failure and other conditions. The drug is alsosed illegally by some athletes as a stimulant and rapid weight-loss agent. Yali Liu …
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6 Responses to Ibogaine Treatment for Addiction
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There is Hope for the Hopeless. Reformers Unanimous is a faith-based addictions program. We have? 770 chapters across the United States and an 82% success rate. Check our Channel out @Ruinternational
What’s the name of that? really physchedelic song after that Pink Floyd one?
I am concerned about the therapetic state keeping them in a BOX. considering the urgent need we have now to wake the fuck up and stop the? corruption going on. Notice many of the pratitioners using language that gives idea mental illness is biological, and psychedelic psychotherapy is ‘treatment’
Well, as it is, ibogaine is more likely to be accepted due to the government research that shows it does indeed end withdrawal symptoms and stop recidivism.? Where other psychedelics/entheogens have great potential, the scientific community is just now regaining access to them for research, so it will be a while before the mainstream community can see their healing powers.
I find your video –short, but really powerful!
I would have liked to link a video reponse to it, but I feel? you only mention Ibogaine, instead of psychedelics in their diversity as potential for deep healing potential