I Have a Question Dealing With Drugs and Jail Time…..?
Question by Megan: I have a question dealing with drugs and jail time…..?
A family member of mine was arrested for having possession sched u/20 grams of canibus, possession sched II substance, possession sched IV substance, and possession drug paraphernalia. The possessions are weed, xanax, somas, lordtabs, and a pipe. She has previous charges for drug related things involving pills, and she is a three time felon. I want to know what “sched” means and what her sentence might be. I live in Florida.
Best answer:
Answer by Steve D
sched = schedule – the FDA has different schedules or lists of drugs with a schedule 1 drug the least potent/dangerous and as such are more controlled as you move up the schedule. She is most likely looking at some decent jail time as a three-time felon but the actual sentence will depend on the judge, whether she can plea bargain down, etc.
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Health Care Reform Law Update – Week of November 11, 2013
Filed under: drug treatment programs in florida for felons
Given the cost of drug development, most or all of these treatments are quite expensive—often more than $ 100,000 per patient per year. …. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the “Healthcare Privacy and Anti-Fraud Act,” which would create …
Read more on The National Law Review
2 Responses to I Have a Question Dealing With Drugs and Jail Time…..?
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shedule,btw the pills carry a higher sentence then the weed the weed is petty less than an ounce 1/4 lb is trafficing in fl, an ounce is personal unless bagged up
ITs not good with previous Felony charges. Get a good lawyer.if they had a prescription for the pills it would look alot better. I do think there will be jail time with conditions of doing in prison treatment program before release. good luck