How to I Help My Brother With His Porn Addiction?
Question by Kalla: How to I help my brother with his porn addiction?
My 15 year old brother is addicted to hentai (anime porn). I have found tons of hentai websites on our cookies. Last summer I tried to talk to him about it and he ended up screaming and calling me a trader for saying that I was going to tell our parents (he doesn’t like our Dad or step-mom). To calm him down I told him that I wouldn’t tell. Even asked him if he would like to talk to one of the pastors at our church or see my therapist and he said no. I’ve dried to put things to block the porn but my computer is so old that it won’t work. I care for him and I’m worried; what should I do?
Best answer:
Answer by D – Cav
hes 15!! hes going through a weird time in his life. If he is still into cartoon porn when hes 18, then maybe you have a problem.
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A previous answer follows, modified for you:
PORN ADDICTION: Firmly resolve to only use it every 2nd, or 3rd day, otherwise you will have to give it up completely. Have others things ready to keep you occupied. Recommended books: Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery by Ph.D. Kevin B. Skinner, &
In The Shadows of The Net: Breaking Free from Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior by Patrick Carnes Ph.D., David L. Delmonico Ph.D., Elizabeth Griffin M.A., and Joseph M. Moriarity, &
The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography by Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz. ADDICTION: Willpower’s Not Enough: Recovering from Addictions of Every Kind by Arnold M. Washton, & Addiction: Why Can’t They Just Stop? by John Hoffman, Susan Froemke, Sheila Nevins, and Susan Cheever, & The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior by Craig Nakken, & 7 Tools to Beat Addiction by Stanton Peele, from your bookstore, or enter “addictions” in the searchbar at for more media. Google: “support groups; pornography addiction” Try View Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or has one about overcoming porn addiction. He may not see it as a problem, which is a quite reasonable position, if it doesn’t interfere overly much with the rest of his life; I’ll include my post on masturbation, but realise that males are more visually oriented than females, and tend to have considerably higher sex drives, on average. Even male gorillas like watching pictures of female gorillas.
Not only people, but also the females, and males of many other species of primates masturbate. Most psychologist, anthropologists, and psychologists regard it as normal human behaviour; there is nothing bad about it. Although it is difficult to get accurate information, estimates are that around 95% of males, and 70% of females indulge in the practice of masturbation. Dr. Jocelyn Elder would have advocated it being taught to females in schools, to help combat rampant teen pregnancy, and enable many more girls to become orgasmic, but a large backlash from christians, particularly in the bible belt, and other religious people and conservatives in the USA prevented her appointment as Surgeon General. There are indications that masturbation may actually have health benefits in males, reducing the risk of prostate cancer slightly. Conversely, for males, if too much pressure is used, it may eventually cause an inability to ejaculate in the vaginas of females, which are unable to provide sufficient stimulation. Sensible advice is to stop if sore, and wait until the next day. If you consider that it is overly interfering with other things you want to accomplish; 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or has one about overcoming excessive masturbation. Ask your religious adviser to show you the passages where it states that masturbation is sinful. The only one I am aware of is “Onan did cast his seed upon the ground”, which actually refers to the practice of “coitus interruptus” Coitus interruptus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Coitus interruptus, also known as withdrawal or the pull-out method, is a birth-control technique in which a man withdraws his penis from a woman prior to …
Also, regarding sex outside of marriage: the commandment is: “thou shalt not commit adultery” NOT “thou shalt not fornicate”
/?’d?lt?ri/ Show Spelled[uh-duhl-tuh-ree] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ter·ies.
voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse. –
The church has redefined those terms to mean what they want them to mean, NOT what they actually say!
its NORMAL and masterbation RELIEVES STRESS
here’s some tips for you to help your brother from porn addiction:
you can install software like NetDog Porn Filter : , it blocks all porn quitely and automatically when your family’re on the computer.