How Can a Drug Rehabilitation Program Help My Brother?

Question by levin j: How can a drug rehabilitation program help my brother?
I love my brother so much that it tears me apart seeing him gradually devastated by his drug addiction. I know that only drug rehabilitation programs can help but I wonder how they can actually do this. You see, I’m very particular since he’s the only brother that I have. Do you have any idea about what they have in the programs?

Best answer:

Answer by edwina l
Drug rehabilitation programs today are systematically equipped to address all of an addict’s issues, covering his emotional hangovers to spiritual revival. As such, all rooms for drug abuse will eventually be taken from his familiar system. Programs actually involve detoxification, counseling, behavioral therapies, medication, and group meetings. But of course, the treatment program that will be assigned to a particular patient is still dependent on the intensity of his addiction.

Now, I’m hoping for your brother’s recovery.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Drug Rehabilitation and what a wife thinks of it. – Drug Rehab success 4 http// In this video you can see the drug addiction struggles of a wife as she tried to save her man.


From Twitter:

“…caught fleeing rehabilitation center dd2. All five have been undergoing treatment for drug offenses…” #THX1138 – by rsalien (RSAlien GTC™)


From Twitter:

Narconon provides drug information, education about the effects of drugs and effective drug rehabilitation… – by Christ_News (ChristianNewsUpdates)


25 Responses to How Can a Drug Rehabilitation Program Help My Brother?

  • bic says:

    only your brother can help himself if he wants the help. you can’t do it for him.

  • Archiesview says:

    What price do you put on the life of someone you love?
    What price do you put on anyone’s life?
    Just ask someone who has someone they love very much back again, just as they remember? them. Ask them if they think it was worth it.

  • LeighCarranza says:

    Many people wonder how drug rehab works and if it is worth the cost. Anyone whose life has been changed due to successful completion of the programs can testify to its great benefit.
    It is good to hear that your? wife struggling, in order to save his love one..! great video..thumbs up!

  • DianaMcjames says:

    Great Video, true grasp? of addiction and? how tough it really is on the ones we love…

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, the? race is to get to the addict before they check-out of living.

  • leonkroy says:

    Addiction robs people of their dignity and life before it kills them. But thanks for the Rehabilitation Program they ? helps people a lot to achieve sobriety now – and maintain it for life

  • Archiesview says:

    True enough thanks?

  • jhonasfreecx says:

    Drug rehabilitation is a great way to get out the addiction whatsoever. You would find a countless number of people who? were addict earlier now living a very healthy and happy life with their family and friends and all the kudos goes to none other than various drug rehabilitation programme meant for an addict.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, some people do know that. Many more need to be reassured that with the right rehab full rehabilitation can be achieved. That is not just become drug free but rehabilitated as a person so they never need or think of taking? drugs again because they can live successfully and be happy completely drug free.

  • RuthyMSmith says:

    Some people know that Drug Rehab is a safe place for addicts to go and? rehabilitate from their drug and alcohol dependencies. Specific components to help educate the addict about living a life that is drug and alcohol free.

  • Archiesview says:

    Available from? Amazon

  • Archiesview says:

    If you want to assess a rehab you need to ask the questions listed in this book:
    Drug Rehabilitation How to? Choose a Good Drug Rehab

  • kah13r says:

    Drug Rehab can help you find the? drug addiction treatment that will meet your needs and focus on you as an individual. This will improve your chances for long-term recovery from drugs.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, this is very true.? Even when a person says they will go to rehab , without external skilled support they constantly break their promise to others and themselves. Drugs are so powerful by the time they are addicted the drugs win every time.

  • James Kennith Walker says:

    It is just about IMPOSSIBLE for alcoholics or drug addicts to stop using without professional help. If you’re serious about achieving sobriety for you or your loved one and Yes the smart thing? to do is the Rehabilitation Program.

  • Archiesview says:

    Addiction is neither an injury or disease. While it can result in a damaged brain because of the drugs that can be usually be repaired with a program of wholesome food and vitamins. Then the person themselves can be councelled and their emotional difficulties sorted out by an expert in those matters. Only then will the? addict become their true natural selves again.

  • RamonJBoivin says:

    Being under rehabilitation is considered as an effective way to help patients regain not only the use of their mind and body. It also aids them to let go of the negative feelings related to the illness or injury. With the return of their ability to speak, walk and act like they used to, patients would be more confident of doing tasks.? In the future they would cease to be hindered by fear of feeling again the pain caused by the injuries and diseases they have had.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, that is an oddity. They lie and cheat and break promises all day long so this is the one thing you should not do as it only makes things worse. A fact of life is that a person will accuse you of the very things they are doing themselves. The only thing no one can get over, no matter how clever they are, is the addicts unwillingness. If the skilled councillor can’t get? the addicts co-operation to enter rehab, and they go in under sufference or just to please, the rehab will fail every time.

  • MatthewDCutshall says:

    One? of the most important things to remember when helping an addict is don’t under any circumstance. You must say what you mean and do what you say, after all, and drug treatment must be a personal process.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, in most cases this is true. Someone under the influence of drugs has lost control. All you get from them is drug talk. They have no power of their own left even though they still believe they have, and that is part of the? problem. It does take a skilled experienced intake councilor to get them to enter rehab. Even then, as you say, if they are underneath it all determined to abuse and remain umwilling to change no one can turn them around.

  • maricar101257 says:

    NO ONE can talk an addict enough to make them seek recovery – they? must find this within themselves in order to truly recover. I believe that only a Trained Professional/Rehabilitation are powerful enough to break the hold addiction has on their brain.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, Getting off drugs is? only a part of the problem. Unless the reason that got the person into drugs in the frst place is not found and resolved they are always in danger of relapsing because of that even though they might be clean physically.

  • jylnixon says:

    Addiction is hard enough as it is. People need drug rehabilitation centers that enable? complete focus on healing both the mind and the body.Addiction has monopolized too long; it cannot be ignored. Freedom from addiction waits only moments away.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes there is a lot to it but in essence it is simple enough. Get? them clean then bet them to unravel what got them into drugs in the first place. Ifd this is done properly then there is no struggle at all afterwards. In fact, that is the measure of a good rehab. If they struggle afterwards the rehab was weak. It never delivered true rehab. Rehab is toe return to a former state. A former state is no drugs of any need of drugs. If this doesn’t occur the rehab failed.

  • Archiesview says:

    It certainly starts there. They have to know you care. Then it’s up,tp you to do something that will be effective in helping them break? the habit.

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