Help I Can’t Stop Buying Credits!


Help I Can’t Stop Buying Credits! – Can someone really be addicted to buying things in games? Dust 514 beta codes This site pays for these videos. Supporting EVE Online ETC, Linkrealms and World of Tanks! Like on FaceBook Find me on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


From Twitter:

I swear I need help for my addiction to online shopping. – by MuricanMacy (Macy Hope)


From Twitter:

Online shopping is a serious addiction #helpby Taylakeats (Taylor Keaton )


From Twitter:

i have an addiction with online shopping tbh helpby nottatum ( tatum marciano)


18 Responses to Help I Can’t Stop Buying Credits!

  • CorvetteBG says:

    A lot of people (like me) sometimes buy gold in some games, why?
    The game is fun, but grinding for money in it, is boring, it’s like working, I work with hours and get paid a little money in the game (not enough to have fun), I would rather work 1 hour IRL, buy gold with that money and? enjoy my time on the game then work my ass of for a couple of days on the game and get the same amount of gold..
    Paying 1500$ for a game though… That’s waay to much, I never paid over 50$ (overall) for gold.


    exactly other fools r? only jealous thats what I say they call me a paypal warrior but who is the one winning lol dem n00bs llol


    Special as I have a submitted? ticket saying I have been made an exception in my case
    so don’t dig a hole for yourself and report me u will fail lol like u already do.


    I’ve got one World of Tanks I have spent over £2000 pound on my 2 euro server accounts in 2 years oh btw b4 all u n00bs starting that I can only have one account per server well that is true who? cares I am special

  • renrawr says:

    damn you should’ve? walked backwards!

  • kenshu22 says:

    i like that very much? that the store have for just the looks but i kinda did se some stones/keys from a vid from it that made me curious what it realy do and thinking for what kind of wep/arm uppgrade is to make the game look good at performence

  • Vhast Retribution says:

    Three words…. Buy,? To, Win…

  • halfvampire2 says:

    I? thought it was a wall till I saw this comment XD

  • CopyrightXory says:

    All I can say is that that game is a pay to? win

  • AyceOkay says:

    Yeh? nice yard.

  • BERSERKER7245 says:

    I did this once not that bad buti? just got bored of playing it cause my friend were neveer on so i quit playing

  • Molex1701 says:

    Looks like a great place to film the next The? Fog movie at.

  • MercifiesProductions says:

    in guild wars? 2 though the stuff you buy doesn’t affect your performance in the game only your look

  • jaiden binkley says:

    If? he to addicted buy me some

  • 22Alec2222 says:

    I actually thought you were standing in front of a white? wall. lol

  • DouchousMaximus says:

    Its never been that? foggy at my house, woa :p

  • Blackomega95265 says:

    Well get a grip on your life and? stop :/

  • TheAwesomeDudeGuy says:

    This confuses me, how many of his outside shots are “white”screened?? 😛

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