Drug and Alcohol Treatment Rehab St. Louis, Missouri


Drug and Alcohol Treatment Rehab St. Louis, Missouri – Midwest Institute for Addiction is St. Louis’ distinguished alcohol & drug detox and addiction treatment rehab center. Midwest Institute for addiction offers…


Worcester program to help ex-prisoners get fresh start gets funding to expand

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

People turn back to a criminal lifestyle because of a lack of housing, lack of jobs, and because they don't have access to treatment they need for substance abuse and other hurdles, Ms. Stone said. She pointed to the cost of housing an inmate, which …
Read more on Worcester Telegram


Senate zeroes in on drug addiction

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

The committee will focus on Section 35, a state law that allows courts to commit drug and alcohol abusers to treatment for up to 90 days. The concern, say lawmakers, is that addicts finish these programs and return to committing crimes in their …
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