Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness


Drug and alcohol abuse awareness – Trying to raise awareness about drug and alcohol abuse and it’s effects. Alcoholism and drug addiction is a serious condition with fatal outcomes. It is prev…


New anti-addiction compound shows promise for drug addicts

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

… medicinal chemist colleague Professor Thomas Prisinzano who makes the new, more bioavailable compounds for testing. "Compounds that have anti-addiction effects get tested through a whole battery of side effect profiles such as sedation and aversion.
Read more on Scoop.co.nz (press release)


Grants will launch opiate abuse coalitions

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

“When you see young people involved in any type of drug abuse, obviously it's a concern,” said Mayor Michael J. McGlynn of Medford. “When you experience an overdose, a death, it obviously has a very large impact on a community.” Lynn has worked on …
Read more on Boston Globe


One Response to Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness

  • Mees Lopez says:

    Yey let’s put a shit load of photos with some sad music! How can? u all this a video?!

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