Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program for Adolescents in Atlantic Canada – Portage Cassidy Lake


Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program for adolescents in Atlantic Canada – Portage Cassidy Lake – Residents and graduates of the Portage Atlantic rehabilitation program at Cassidy Lake describe their struggles with substance abuse and their appreciation for the Portage drug addiction treatment program in New Brunswick. Residents, staff, and members of the community talk about how Portage helps Atlantic Canadian youth seek Freedom from Addiction. Portage is a cross-Canada non-profit organisation that fosters the strengths and skills of substance dependent persons to enable them, through comprehensive and cost-effective interventions based on the therapeutic community approach, to live lives of sobriety, filled with dignity, self-respect, and accomplishment. www.portage.ca


Arizona stands to lose big if no deal is reached

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

$ 4.4 million from the Child Care and Development Block Grant program, which provides subsidies to low-income working families to help pay for child care. Result: about 1,400 fewer children receiving subsidized care. $ 2.8 million from the Substance …
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3 Responses to Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program for Adolescents in Atlantic Canada – Portage Cassidy Lake

  • peachpapoose says:

    By the way, what a beautiful song that is in the background. I looked up some of the lyrics but could not find it published anywhere on the internet, so I’m guessing it was one of the people who went through the program who wrote/recorded it, no? Do they have the whole thing uploaded somewhere? on Youtube where I can hear/share it?

  • peachpapoose says:

    Hmm, it won’t let me post a link, so just go to my? blog at holy-sheepdip.blogspot.com, and look in the right hand column for February 2012. In there you will see an entry called Daughter’s Journey From Addiction To Freedom

  • peachpapoose says:

    Excellent. I am so grateful for places like Portage. As the mom of a former substance addict, I have written the? story of how my daughter found freedom through the program at Portage in BC:

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