Drug Addiction Help


Question by claudiamarie.xo: WHAtS tHiS OHiO NEW PRiSON lAW??????
okay, so i know a few people in prison and every single person has asked me to find out about this new law, it’s a rumor going around i’m guessing.

well, word on the street is a year in prison is only 8 months and 14 days. is this true? i live in ohio and they’re all incarcerated in ohio. maybe it hasn’t been set yet, or something? i’ve just been hearing about it for a long time! let me know please, and thank you!

Best answer:

Does Drug Abuse Lead to Criminal Behavior? Explain Why?

Question by : Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? explain why?
Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? Please briefly explain what you think.

Best answer:

Answer by Anonymous
No, but the kind of people who indulge in drugs are usually predisposed towards crime.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Addiction. Is it a Disease? FAQ 6 – Drug Addiction. Is it a disease? http://drugrehabus.org Drug Addiction, Is it a Disease? In this video I expose the fundamental flaw in the rationale of the …


Orange County Suboxone Doctors – Manage Addiction & End Withdrawals – Open Care Medical


Orange County Suboxone Doctors – Manage Addiction & End Withdrawals – Open Care Medical – http://opencaremedicalcenter.com/orange-county-suboxone-doctor 714-558-8033 1-877-546-9362 515 Cabrillo Park Drive Suite 120 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Are you livi…


Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers Per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – A long-term alcoholic who was known by name in the liquor stores finally makes the decision to get help after a life of addiction, denial and embarrassment. …


Stopping Heroin or Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Denver: stopping heroin or cocaine addiction?
I have come up with a novel idea. Would it not be a good idea to put heroin or cocaine addicts in an induced coma for one or two weeks? when they wake up the sickness would be gone!

Best answer:

Am I Suffering From Internet Addiction?

Question by miranda.mckennitt: Am I suffering from internet addiction?
Or is it my personality disorder manifesting itself? I use Internet a lot. When I use it I feel that my mind expands through the link, I feel larger, I’m not trying to be mythical here. It’s a similar feeling to the one one gets when operating some machine, like a car – a car to the car driver seems to be an extension of her body. I find my friends and lovers online, I work online, I use Internet for recreational purposes too. I stopped watching TV and listening to FM radio about 1994. If the link is down for a while I feel unwell and check it until it’s up again. I give much time to developing of my online personality and try to use it also offline – I feel that my Internet name fits me more than my own, for example. Do I need to seek help? Can it really be cured? I practically can’t live without the Internet…