Drug Addiction?

Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states. I am trying to get some ideas on what causes drug addiction. What makes people want to try drugs. I know a lot of people try drugs out of curiousity or boredom or maybe stress. I don’t know because I do not use drugs. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions or anything please feel free.

Best answer:

Answer by Joey
I was addicted to cocaine in my early teenagers so I think I can answer some of your questions. Most drug addicts start when they are young, and then cant break the habbit. Most of them start either because their friends are doing it and they think it’s cool, or they are really stressed or depressed and think the drug will make them happier. After that it’s a pretty vicious cycle. Most people that start drugs usually start out with marijuana, but pot is a gateway drug, so people who use it are 50% more likely to start using other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, etc.

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The Faces of Drug Addiction – No one is immune to the evils of drug addiction, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a neighbor. In this story we introduce you to two young men who you would never think would be recovering drug addicts, and it all started with the over-the-counter pain killers. To learn more about Addiction Recovery please go to www.instituteforaddictionstudy.com To learn more about the Le Mont Michel recovery home www.lemontmichel.com or to schedule a tour call 801-733-4472


New love or drug use? It's all the same to your brain

Filed under: drug addiction

By Brian Alexander and Larry Young, PhD. When Brian asks Fred Murray “Were you in love with drugs?” he smiles broadly and rolls his eyes at such a silly question. Then the 59-year-old San Diego man laughs. “Hell yeah, I loved drugs! I looovvved them.
Read more on Today.com (blog)


Report Faults Military's Strategies on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Filed under: drug addiction

Despite a well-documented increase in the abuse of alcohol and prescription medications among military personnel over the past decade, the Defense Department's strategies for screening, treating and preventing those problems remains behind the times, …
Read more on New York Times (blog)


From Twitter:

5 hard truths for parents of drug addicts to understand: http://t.co/6ccxJmP4 #Family #Addiction #Parenting – by RecoveryPlace (The Recovery Place)


From Twitter:

For Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month: Teen alcohol use interferes with brain development #VaultPick http://t.co/rAFsODOK – by amednews (AmericanMedicalNews)


From Twitter:

US #drug #addiction impedes Mexican growth say President Calderon – http://t.co/2eXWORp7 – by ondrugaddiction (Drug Addiction)


25 Responses to Drug Addiction?

  • aaamoradobrooks says:

    people use drugs to escape reality.
    Their lives are not what they would like them to be so they look to external stimulants to take them away from their real lives. They don’t know themselves very well and they are NOT comfortable in their own skin.

    If you know what some addicts lives were like as children and often as adults – then you might understand why they would want to “self medicate” or escape.

  • Tonia D. says:

    Most people that use drugs have something that they don’t like about them self and the drugs dull the pain.

  • marnzdaz21 says:

    Chemicals are about the only way to escape reality or atleast change your perception of your own reality.

    Some of our own life situations can be unbearable to deal with and escape becomes very appealing.

    And very easy to obtain.

    Once your addicted though the reality of that alone, the reality of the affects it has had on you and yours makes escape even more appealing. a very vicious circle.

    But bottom line……….

    People take drugs because IT FEELS GOOD


    Marrijuanna as a gateway drug…. not in the sense some think.

    People dont neccesarily move from pot searching for the bigger high.

    Mostly its just that they illegal trade introduces you to the people who will affect your decisions your thinking and your justifications.


  • jsmokey924js says:

    pills are? awesome

  • Zoe Katherine says:

    woah.. what did the poor girl do wrong??

  • VideoSaySo says:

    (Cont’d) and understand why people commit suicide when they have chronic pain conditions. People like me get treated like addicts, get denied medications because we’re “too young” or “just trying to get a fix” or some other crap because we are at the mercy of doctors and the system. We’re prescribed pills? for other conditions (guinea pigs).. Drugs should be legalized across the board. People who abuse them will eventually OD but people who need them will be able to have a quality of life.

  • VideoSaySo says:

    (Cont’d) and their family/”friends” would convince them they had a problem. Those cases usually ended up as suicides…not attempts, but successful suicides. There’s a quote that hits home with me because I’ve seen it “People in pain who commit suicide don’t want to end their lives,? they are putting an end to their pain”. Now I find myself in pain from a hereditary condition that my spine and the discs are literally crumbling (DJD) and have gone through years of bullshit treatments (cont’d)

  • VideoSaySo says:

    So what happens when people go to rehab? They give them MORE drugs to take instead of the ones the people used to recreate on. I’ve seen it over and over? again (I used to work as an admin assistant in a mental health/substance abuse facility. Half the time the people would end up worse than when they came through the door…ALL of them were turned into “victims” by the facilitators within a month of starting treatment. The ones I felt bad for were people who were truly in intense pain (cont’d)

  • EndoSmoke16 says:

    Pillz? are good

  • ThePoisonCloud says:

    For example, I started smoking a few years back. (Sure it’s not meth or anything like that but it proves my point here) I don’t blame any ads or society or anything else other than myself when I made a bad decision to start smoking and I carry full responsibility for my actions. I also might have to face some serious consequenses like lung? cancer or heart failure because I made the choise and got addicted. Now that’s my fucking fault and no one should feel sorry for me. Now do you get my point?

  • ThePoisonCloud says:

    haha i always get to argue on youtube about some bs. I mean sure? you can help these people and bring something good into their lives, nothing wrong with that. I’m just saying that all drug addicts should take responsibility for their actions and stop playing the “victim card”. I heard some celebrity talking about his drug addiction on tv and he was talking like his own choises that led to this addiction were actually some sorta disease and that he had no control over what had happened. Total bs.

  • nikoE30 says:

    We shouldn’t feel sorry for someone who has taken drugs? Your wrong, we should feel sorry and feel the need to help them for they have made a mistake, we are all humans we are here to learn, let’s not be selfish and help each other, this is exactly whats wrong with mankind? right now, we are selfish, we are “too good” so, they made a mistake? too bad, it was their choice, i m living the good life. thats wrong and sad

  • TheFrigginAwesome says:


  • Sophia Marsden says:

    I am a total nerd, by the time I got a chance to try the drugs I found interesting I’d not only spent years reading about them but also had taken a years worth of? chemistry and pharmacology at university (I dropped out due to being socially anxious, not talking to anyone and in a state of isolation deciding that all the little sensations you normally never notice in your body were demonic forces trying to control me- that was before drugs!) I think most people into drugs enjoy researching them.

  • Sophia Marsden says:

    That’s a fairly oversimplified view of the realities. I’ve taken heroin. It has not had an adverse effect on me at all. If I were to stop now I would never experience any negative effects from having taking heroin. Of course it’s my responsibility but I? am not “tarded” I do not have an IQ below 70. I live a normal life same as anyone else.

  • ThePoisonCloud says:

    I just think that we shouldn’t feel sorry for someone who has maken a clear voluntary choice and started consuming hard drugs like meth. The word “tarded” applies to people who haven’t done any research about the drugs that they’re taking. Not listening to at? least some facts and without taking some time to think bout what your doing n’ just jumping head on to snort some shit sounds kinda stupid to me 🙂

  • ThePoisonCloud says:

    Drugs can cause severe permanent negative effects and diseases like HIV, psychosis, instant death due to OD etc. or even cause the consumer to loose control of his behaviour and bite some homeless guy’s head off (go check that one out). We don’t necessarily have to blindly follow everything that has been told to us in this society, but you have to understand that it is YOUR responsibility when you do? obviously stupid things like meth or heroin.

  • docteryadonater says:

    I am? from utah! I thought this was funny. 🙂

  • doolp diiju says:

    One is too many and a thousand is never enough. To hear other peoples strength hope and experiance encourages me today and thank God I did not use today?

  • Sophia Marsden says:

    Some people just need to find things out for themselves, doesn’t make them “tarded” just means they tend not to listen to what other people tell them, we (society) need people like that, just as much as we need people who believe what they are told and obey social conventions, because sometimes the conventional narrative is wrong and without those who have to test stuff out for themselves we’d never? learn which is which.

  • greendragonmaster420 says:


  • timotrioz says:

    only heavy experiences. Had to accept that6 part of my life without beating myself for? things i did. Peace.

  • MrStineGirl says:

    It depents on what drug you are addicted? to..!

  • Bert Newton says:

    Out? of those 20 years I bet you can only remember a tiny few actual good times. 🙂

  • eltellowixitero says:

    ok noobs, im smoking hash right now?

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