Drug Abuse Statistics: The True Use of Drug Abuse Statistics

Drug abuse statistics truly are very useful when it comes to determining how big an effect the use of narcotics or scheduled medications are having on our modern day society but are they a true reflection of the epidemic which is spiraling out of control in our modern day society.

Do these drug addiction statistics actually represent to true proportion which they should as to the effect which drug addiction and abuse is having on the world’s population? I think not and the reason why I say this is that to accurately measure the number of people abusing drugs, we need not only to look at the abuse of street drugs, but scheduled medications as well.

There are far to many variables which are unaccounted for when it comes to gathering drug abuse statistics and it is for this reason that I would like to propose that when we look at these statistics, we are in reality only seeing the tip of the iceberg and not the true reality of the problem.

Yes, there will be those who say that things can be worked out according to averages, but in the case of drug abuse statistics, I personally believe that this is definitely not the case. We need to realize that every section of our community is being affected by this kind of abuse and there is nothing average about it.

I personally think it is a good thing to try to keep record of drug abuse statistics, but at the same time believe that if a significant portion of the time, energy, money and effort which is used to acquire these stats was put into actually addressing this epidemic, far more lives would be saved than by simply recording its effects which if we open our eyes we see is spiraling out of control.

I personally have been down the road to addiction and know that to return from the place it leads you to is no easy task. We need to spend a bit more time and energy on focusing on the cause of this problem and perhaps a little less time simply collecting the information pertaining to the effect which it is having on society as a whole.

Somewhere something has gone terribly wrong and it is our responsibility to prevent it from getting worse and worse. We need to begin to take action against this epidemic which is robbing so many families the world over of their loved ones and quality of life. In my eyes, this is far more important than simply keeping records of the effects which drug abuse is having on the earth’s population.

David Kuhn was a drug addict for a large portion of his life, but has managed to overcome his addiction which culminated in intravenous heroin addiction. He has been ‘clean’ for ten years now and his passion is to help other people understand and overcome their addictions.

For more articles (or training) on drug abuse statistics or to get your FREE Mini Course which shows how he managed to beat addiction and stay clean, go to http://www.recoveringjunkie.com.

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Drug Abuse Facts – askdrnerenberg.com Drug Abuse Facts tell us that drug and substance abuse is really getting on its tool and should be stop. The change must start on the user him/her self! Know these proven steps on how you can make yourself commit to stop using drugs and other substances. Visit askdrnerenberg.com and change your life now!


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RT @NIDAnews: The Rx Risk: 1 in 9 youth abused prescription drugs in the past year. See the risk in this infographic http://t.co/wYqzLoB … – by medconnections (MedConnections)


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Truly an epidemic. Need to better educate kids. MT @NIDAnews1 in 9 youth abused prescription drugs this year. http://t.co/Ququ9eDl #drugfact – by hmeitiner (Howard Meitiner)


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