Drug Abuse?

Question by Sunshine: Drug abuse?
What is drug abuse Continuum

Best answer:

Answer by NewLightOldGame
Just changing from one drug to another. It is when you take one drug, and when you lose ability of obtaining it, you gain access to another. Thus continuing the drug abuse, only with a different drug.
Some have conscience issues and will use alcohol and or drugs to ease it all. And if the beer isn’t around, where is the pot ?
This is where the argument of pot leading to bigger drugs comes into play, it is said that you get into this continuum.

What do you think? Answer below!



Drugs abuse: faces before and after; addicted condition – Drugs can damage your health and body very hard. SAY NO FOR DRUGS!


5 damaging myths about addiction

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A former drug addict and convicted drug dealer, Jaffe is a UCLA-affiliated researcher and expert on substance abuse, especially on the neuroscience and policy issues involved, and founder of AllAboutAddiction.com. (CNN) — Do drugs really "fry" your brain?
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Attorney general kicks off prescription drug abuse awareness programs

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House Bill 1?s aim is to curb prescription drug abuse, placing more restrictions on pain clinics to prevent so-called “pill mills” from setting up shop in the state. Attorney General Jack Conway is traveling the state to warn kids about the dangers of …
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3 W.Va. groups get drug abuse grants

Filed under: drug abuse

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Three West Virginia community coalitions are receiving federal grants to reduce youth drug abuse. Community Connections Inc. received $ 125,000 for the Creating Opportunities for Youth Coalition in Bluefield. Another $ 125,000 …
Read more on NECN


From Twitter:

Did you know? Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse. #fatherhood101 – by markwriter08 (Marquette Williams)


From Twitter:

Mainstream rap now just talks about immoral sex, drug abuse, violence, degrading women, and sleeping with people’s girls. Why are we sti … – by HeruOdyssey (The Starry Knight)


From Twitter:

Martin Sheen to bring star power to substance abuse treatment and recovery conference in Kalamazoo | Your take? | http://t.co/nzSMebRc – by RehabsAdvisor (Rehabs Advisor)


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