Do People With Drug Addictions Go to Mental Hospitals or Institutions?
Question by Audrey Rickard: Do people with drug addictions go to mental hospitals or institutions?
I am writing a one act play and the characters are living in a mental hospital. One suffers from hallucinations and schizophrenia. The other is a heroin addict and the last suffers from social anxiety and hates change. I was wondering, do people with drug addictions go where people with other mental illnesses go? Thank you! It would really help!
Best answer:
Answer by Rachel
Sounds interesting!
Addiction and mental health disorders go hand in hand. Both have a negative impact on the other. Addiction makes mental health symptoms worse and some people use substances to alleviate mental health symptoms.
When someone suffers from a mental health illness and addiction he or she needs to seek dual diagnosis treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment will address both issues at the same time offering relief from both ailments.
I have worked in a psychiatric hospital and we had locked units both for chemical dependency detox and for those who were straight psyche we had a psychiatric unit. Most of the time if a mentally ill person is in need of addiction treatment dual diagnosis is the correct term.
I am attaching several resources for information about this subject for you.
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Herion Nation – Documentary – Cocaine Nation and Heroin Nation premiered on the Discovery channel are rated TV-14 because of the subject matter and some disturbing footage of drug abuse. …
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Government has framed policy to arrange money for 'the Punjab state cancer and drug addiction treatment infrastructure fund act-2013.' Disclosing this here today an official spokesman of the health department that the policy …
Read more on Punjab Newsline
Recovery Act Provided Nearly Million to Create New Genomics Technology …
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
“The state-of-the-art genetics here provides scientists with powerful tools to investigate the causes, treatments and cures of many common diseases effecting people around the world.” RUCDR offers a complete and integrated … RUCDR provides DNA, RNA …
Read more on Newswise (press release)
22 Responses to Do People With Drug Addictions Go to Mental Hospitals or Institutions?
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Yes..Addiction is a catch-all term for a complex behavioral disorder. The most obvious symptom is that addicts reach a point where they cannot control their own actions. Even when they can see the harm, they continue the compulsive behavior.
And they really need to be treated. They need treatment centers like Rehabs which are specialize on treating drug addictions or other addictions. Read more on drug addiction at
Thanks RYAN…I? subscribed!
IT? DOESNT MATTER how much the DEA takes off the street…all it does is make the drugs that are already out there worth twice as doesnt matter how many drug dealers the DEA takes off the street..the next day theres 3more dealers to take thier doesnt matter what they do..DRUGS ALWAYS WIN..prohibition doesnt work,never has,never will..all the authorities accomplish is creating MORE crime,murder and addiction..the war on drugs is an immoral,unconstitional FAILURE.
Mytago, youre quite obviously lying. Probably a pothead just projecting on ideological grounds, which i understand. But thats? just ludicrous.
22.15, I rember one time i took fentanyl.I just needed to remember to breathe. More sober friend? was baby sitting me, thankfully. It felt like I nodded off and opened my eyes. I was pretty surprised? to learn that quite some time went by when I came to
“no one is safe”, Heroin is bad, not THAT bad. Opium is better than heroin but heroin is still better than alcohol. You need? to keep control when you take drugs. I never went junkie even when i injected it. I just was high and numb. Alcholics are same thing. if you cant handle it, maybe you shouldent do it.
Yea, just travel back? in time to 1987
Imagine pain pills are basically legal e asy to get and produce same effects of heroin drugs were legal like Portugal? which cut addicts and crime by over 50% its much cheaper to send someone to rehab than prison (about 500% cheaper), Avg rehab visit 900$ average prison is 60k+ a year and the avg get 2-3 years so do the math.
just? subscribed, thank you so much for the videos
Is? there any new ‘Crack’ documentaries?
Thx Admin
if you think the government doesn’t have a hand in this drug think? again do you think for one minute they would over look thats amount of profit !
im so happy i subed to you i cant get enough of these videos good job? mate
any time man?
Any time
this isn’t funny but the eyeballs on the animated person, made me? laugh so much
‘Good? video thx
Your very welcome, I upload whatever my subscribers? ask for.
If you want anything uploaded please ask me and I will upload it for you 🙂
Thanks? for posting these man.
You just indirectly answered your own question. “it´s the cutting by dealers that makes ist toxic” whilst this is true, it’s also why the drug is illegal.
The plant ‘milk’ is a mild painkiller, which is then bolstered via chemical enhancement to become heroin.
If these drugs were legal, due to the lack of a cutting process the drug would be very mild at best, and simply wouldn’t provide? the high that illegal ones do.
That is why drugs are illegal…they are lethal and shouldn’t be easily acsesed